品質を保証BOSCH ボッシュ GWS18V-45 18V 4-1/2 In. Angle Grinder (Bare Tool)の通販は
【商品名】 BOSCH ボッシュ GWS18V-45 18V 4-1/2 In. Angle Grinder (Bare Tool) Bosch GWS18V-45 18V 4-1/2 in。アングルグラインダー(裸のツール) 【カテゴリー】Power Angle Grinders(パワーアングルグラインダー) : BOSCH 【商品説明】 ・LONGEVITY: The Bosch GWS18V-45 18V Angle Grinder delivers all-day grinding and cutting power. It’s designed for a longer tool life with Bosch"s Electronic Cell Protection and Electronic Motor Protection. ・POWER: The grinder includes a powerful four-brush motor design with 0-10,000 no-load rpm to handle the toughest cutting and grinding jobs. ・CONTROL: The tool features a two-position Vibration Control side handle, for comfortable control, less user fatigue and smoother grinding. ・SECURE: For user protection, this cordless grinder was engineered with a tool-less quick-change, burst-resistant wheel guard and restart protection to avoid accidental startup. ・PRECISION: The Bosch GWS18V-45 18V Angle Grinder provides outstanding cutting ability and is optimized for metal applications.
BOSCH ボッシュ GWS18V-45 18V 4-1/2 In. Angle Grinder (Bare Tool)
Bosch GWS18V-45 18V 4-1/2 in。アングルグラインダー(裸のツール)
【カテゴリー】Power Angle Grinders(パワーアングルグラインダー) : BOSCH
・LONGEVITY: The Bosch GWS18V-45 18V Angle Grinder delivers all-day grinding and cutting power. It’s designed for a longer tool life with Bosch"s Electronic Cell Protection and Electronic Motor Protection.
・POWER: The grinder includes a powerful four-brush motor design with 0-10,000 no-load rpm to handle the toughest cutting and grinding jobs.
・CONTROL: The tool features a two-position Vibration Control side handle, for comfortable control, less user fatigue and smoother grinding.
・SECURE: For user protection, this cordless grinder was engineered with a tool-less quick-change, burst-resistant wheel guard and restart protection to avoid accidental startup.
・PRECISION: The Bosch GWS18V-45 18V Angle Grinder provides outstanding cutting ability and is optimized for metal applications.
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