●商品説明 Double Mat, Cream over Dawn GrayShatter resistant Plexiglas glazingEngraved brass nameplateCertificate of Authenticity included&text=I remember wandering the lanes of my hometown on a Sunday evening, drawn as if by magnetic attraction toward the heart of the village. Hometown Evening, third in my Hometown Memories collection is enriched by intense childhood memories, although I've chosen to turn the clock back a few decades... I did that to heighten the nostalgia, and to give myself the chance to paint some of my favorite vintage cars.More InformationEach piece in the Prestige Home Collection is exquisitely double matted and framed in your choice of gorgeous frame finishes with fine beaded detailing.Features Double Mat, Cream over Dawn GrayShatter resistant Plexiglas glazingEngraved brass nameplatePrecision cut and sealed with craft paper backingWool felt bumpersSteel hanging wireCertificate of authenticity includedMade in the USA
【中古】【輸入品・未使用】ProTapes Pro 950AS Anti-Static Polyimide Film Tape%カンマ% 7500V Dielectric Strength%カンマ% 36 yds Length x 3/4 Width (Pack of 1) by Pro Tap|スカイマーケットプラス
【中古】【輸入品・未使用】BUD Industries JB-3951 Steel NEMA 1 Sheet Metal Junction Box with Lift-off Screw Cover%カンマ% 4 Width x 4 Height x 4 Depth%カンマ% Gray Fini|スカイマーケットプラス
Double Mat, Cream over Dawn GrayShatter resistant Plexiglas glazingEngraved brass nameplateCertificate of Authenticity included&text=I remember wandering the lanes of my hometown on a Sunday evening, drawn as if by magnetic attraction toward the heart of the village. Hometown Evening, third in my Hometown Memories collection is enriched by intense childhood memories, although I've chosen to turn the clock back a few decades... I did that to heighten the nostalgia, and to give myself the chance to paint some of my favorite vintage cars.More InformationEach piece in the Prestige Home Collection is exquisitely double matted and framed in your choice of gorgeous frame finishes with fine beaded detailing.Features Double Mat, Cream over Dawn GrayShatter resistant Plexiglas glazingEngraved brass nameplatePrecision cut and sealed with craft paper backingWool felt bumpersSteel hanging wireCertificate of authenticity includedMade in the USA
・お届け時期: 2-4週間後
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【中古】【輸入品・未使用】ProTapes Pro 950AS Anti-Static Polyimide Film Tape%カンマ% 7500V Dielectric Strength%カンマ% 36 yds Length x 3/4 Width (Pack of 1) by Pro Tap|スカイマーケットプラス
【中古】【輸入品・未使用】BUD Industries JB-3951 Steel NEMA 1 Sheet Metal Junction Box with Lift-off Screw Cover%カンマ% 4 Width x 4 Height x 4 Depth%カンマ% Gray Fini|スカイマーケットプラス
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