ワインアドヴォケイト:(90-91) ポイント Rating (90-91) Release Price NA Drink Date NA Reviewed by David Schildknecht Issue Date 29th Jun 2010 Source 189, The Wine Advocate There are only three barrels this year of Dugat-Py 2008 Vosne-Romanee Vieilles Vignes. Black tea, dark berries, and violets beautifully scent it, and a creamy texture and sweetly-ripe berry fruit are underlain on the palate by an aura of forest floor and a fine suffusion of tannin. Hints of licorice as well as a spot of astringency in the finish point toward the total inclusion of stems in the fermentor, but the generosity of finishing fruit and intriguing depth are memorably persistent. This is a fine candidate for a decade of fascinating satisfaction.
使用酵母:天然酵母、熟成(樽【新樽率】/タンク):100%、熟成期間:15~18ヵ月、瓶詰め時のフィルターの有無:No、所有面積:0.32ha、土壌:粘土石灰質、ぶどう品種(セパージュ):Pinot Noir 100%、ぶどうの仕立て:ギュイヨ、平均樹齢:80年、密植度:11000本/ha、平均年間生産量(本数):900~1200本、収穫方法:手摘み、農法:ビオに転換中
Bernard DUGAT-PY VOSNE ROMANEE Vieilles Vignes
ベルナール・デュガ・ピィ ヴォーヌ・ロマネ ヴィエーユ・ヴィーニュ
生産地:フランス ブルゴーニュ コート・ド・ニュイ ヴォーヌ・ロマネ
ぶどう品種:ピノ・ノワール 100%
味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 ミディアムボディ
ワインアドヴォケイト:(90-91) ポイント
Rating (90-91) Release Price NA Drink Date NA Reviewed by David Schildknecht Issue Date 29th Jun 2010 Source 189, The Wine Advocate
There are only three barrels this year of Dugat-Py 2008 Vosne-Romanee Vieilles Vignes. Black tea, dark berries, and violets beautifully scent it, and a creamy texture and sweetly-ripe berry fruit are underlain on the palate by an aura of forest floor and a fine suffusion of tannin. Hints of licorice as well as a spot of astringency in the finish point toward the total inclusion of stems in the fermentor, but the generosity of finishing fruit and intriguing depth are memorably persistent. This is a fine candidate for a decade of fascinating satisfaction.