ワインスペクテーター: 94点 予想される飲み頃:2012 - 2028 This is aromatic, revealing Asian spices and sandalwood. A less opulent Richebourg, yet plump in the context of the DRC '04s, offering red and black cherry, rose and a hint of black pepper flavors. Kicks into gear on the finish, with a long, spicy aftertaste.--Non-blind 2004 DRC tasting (February 2007). Best from 2012 through 2028. (Wine Spectator Issue Web Only - 2012)
予想される飲み頃:2012 - 2028
This is aromatic, revealing Asian spices and sandalwood. A less opulent Richebourg, yet plump in the context of the DRC '04s, offering red and black cherry, rose and a hint of black pepper flavors. Kicks into gear on the finish, with a long, spicy aftertaste.--Non-blind 2004 DRC tasting (February 2007). Best from 2012 through 2028.
(Wine Spectator Issue Web Only - 2012)
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