春夏新作のサロン ブラン ド ブラン 1997 ブランドブラン Salon Blanc de Blancs フランス シャンパン シャンパーニュ|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
サロン Salon
ブラン ド ブラン Blanc de Blancs
パーカーポイント: 95点 予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2040 Disgorged earlier this year (2018), the Salon 1997 Blanc de Blancs Le Mesnil Brut opens with a deep, intense and concentrated yet pure, fine and complex bouquet of chalk intertwined with ripe yellow-fleshed fruit, brioche and hazelnut notes. This is a bright, perfectly matured Champagne from Mesnil-sur-Oger with hints of caramel, white mushrooms, parsley root and a beautiful varnish on the nevertheless fresh nose with its characteristic chalky Mesnil expressions. The palate is full and intense, almost rich in the first moment compared the the 2007, but then the 1997 proceeds as pure, elegant and fresh as a Salon should be. Yes, there are some similarities to the 2007 in terms of finesse, with the linear, mineral and vinous style fortified by the complexity of 21 years of age. This is a really fine Champagne but not as ripe as the 2007. The rigid taster will find some drying green apple phenolics in the aftertaste, but the hedonist (who doesnt look at the price) wont get that. So enjoy! Tasted from lot L93 SO 19218 MR in November 2018. (Interim End of November 2018, The Wine Advocate 1st Dec 2018)
Blanc de Blancs
予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2040
Disgorged earlier this year (2018), the Salon 1997 Blanc de Blancs Le Mesnil Brut opens with a deep, intense and concentrated yet pure, fine and complex bouquet of chalk intertwined with ripe yellow-fleshed fruit, brioche and hazelnut notes. This is a bright, perfectly matured Champagne from Mesnil-sur-Oger with hints of caramel, white mushrooms, parsley root and a beautiful varnish on the nevertheless fresh nose with its characteristic chalky Mesnil expressions. The palate is full and intense, almost rich in the first moment compared the the 2007, but then the 1997 proceeds as pure, elegant and fresh as a Salon should be. Yes, there are some similarities to the 2007 in terms of finesse, with the linear, mineral and vinous style fortified by the complexity of 21 years of age. This is a really fine Champagne but not as ripe as the 2007. The rigid taster will find some drying green apple phenolics in the aftertaste, but the hedonist (who doesnt look at the price) wont get that. So enjoy! Tasted from lot L93 SO 19218 MR in November 2018.
(Interim End of November 2018, The Wine Advocate 1st Dec 2018)
歴史が刻まれたシャンパーニュ、サロン。1910年代、ユジェーヌ=エメ・サロンが目指したシャンパーニュは、メニル=シュール=オジェというひとつの偉大なテロワールで収穫された、シャルドネのみ使用のヴィンテージワインでした。まさに唯一無二という特徴のもと、繊細で複雑な世界最高のシャンパーニュを夢見たのです。 20世紀を通じて製造されたミレジム数がわずか37という、ワインの世界にとって異例の製造記録を残しています。
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