パーカーポイント: 94+点 予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2039 The 2009 Nuits St. Georges Aux Boudots is a big, explosive wine endowed with considerable textural depth and power. Endless waves of flavor wrap around the palate in this extroverted Burgundy. Despite the wine’s size, it also has more than enough polish and class to balance some of its more overt tendencies. Black cherries, smoke, spices and asphalt are some of the nuances that add complexity to the long finish. Anticipated maturity: 2019-2039. (0911, The Wine Advocate, 30th Sep 2011)
Domaine Leroy
Nuits St.Georges Les Boudots
予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2039
The 2009 Nuits St. Georges Aux Boudots is a big, explosive wine endowed with considerable textural depth and power. Endless waves of flavor wrap around the palate in this extroverted Burgundy. Despite the wine’s size, it also has more than enough polish and class to balance some of its more overt tendencies. Black cherries, smoke, spices and asphalt are some of the nuances that add complexity to the long finish. Anticipated maturity: 2019-2039.
(0911, The Wine Advocate, 30th Sep 2011)
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