100%正規品通販TOPAZ Turbo ターボチャージャー Replacement for Subaru Forester Impreza WRX Sa ab 9 2X 2.0L 19998 1999 2000 2001 2002 TD04L 13T 14412 AA451 並行輸入品 :ISB0B1DH376M:IRIS SELECTION
この商品は海外からのお取り寄せ商品のため、お届けまでに通常2〜3週間程度のお時間を頂戴しております。また、輸入の際に税関で開封される場合がございますが、新品・未使用品です。海外からの輸送中に商品外箱等に若干の汚れや痛みなどが生じる場合がありますが、商品に問題はございません。この点はどうかご了承ください。全国送料無料でお届けします。(一部の大型・高額商品に関しましては沖縄・離島にはお届けできない場合もございます、予めご了承ください。) 商品説明 Replacement for Subaru Forester Impreza WRX Sa-ab 9-2X 2.0L 19998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Replacement OEM ( Original Equipment Part) Number: 14411AA562, 14411AA382, 1411AA383, 14412AA140, 14412AA231, 14412AA360, 14412AA381, 14411AA520, 14412AA451, 14411AA5329L, 14411AA6309L, 47377-04100, 47377-04200, 47377-04300, 47377-04302, 49T77-04400, 49377-04362, 49377-04363, 49377-04370, 49377-04380, 49377-04450, 49377-04300, 49377-04372 Enhance Performance. Easy Installation. High Reliability Make sure this part fits your exact vehicle, input your make, model and trim level into the Amazon Garage Aftermarket Product with Premium Quality. 1 Year Warranty 説明: TOPAZ is a brand of Aftermarket Replacement Auto Parts, researching into over 15,000 SKUs that are available in more than 100 countries all over the world. We offer the wide products range from Chassis Suspension, Engine Components, Auto Transmission Parts and Electric Parts. And will make continuous efforts to provide High Quality products and services to our customers, maximizing value for our users.
Fits the following Vehicles: for Subaru Forester Models 2.0L 155 KW 211 HP 58T/EJ205 1998-2002 for Subaru Impreza 2.0L 58T 1998-2003 for Subaru Impreza WRX-NB 2.0L 2000 for Sa-ab 9-2X 2.0L Aero DOHC Turbochaged 2005 for Sa-ab 9-2X 2.5L Aero DOHC Turbochaged 2006
Warranty: This item is covered by our 12 months unlimited mileage warranty. 1 - 3 Months 100% Refund or Replacement 4 - 12 Months 90%-10% Refund Over 12 Months No refund
Replacement for Subaru Forester Impreza WRX Sa-ab 9-2X 2.0L 19998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Replacement OEM ( Original Equipment Part) Number: 14411AA562, 14411AA382, 1411AA383, 14412AA140, 14412AA231, 14412AA360, 14412AA381, 14411AA520, 14412AA451, 14411AA5329L, 14411AA6309L, 47377-04100, 47377-04200, 47377-04300, 47377-04302, 49T77-04400, 49377-04362, 49377-04363, 49377-04370, 49377-04380, 49377-04450, 49377-04300, 49377-04372
Enhance Performance. Easy Installation. High Reliability
Make sure this part fits your exact vehicle, input your make, model and trim level into the Amazon Garage
Aftermarket Product with Premium Quality. 1 Year Warranty
is a brand of Aftermarket Replacement Auto Parts, researching into over 15,000 SKUs that are available in more than 100 countries all over the world.
We offer the wide products range from Chassis Suspension, Engine Components, Auto Transmission Parts and Electric Parts.
And will make continuous efforts to provide High Quality products and services to our customers, maximizing value for our users.
Fits the following Vehicles:
for Subaru Forester Models 2.0L 155 KW 211 HP 58T/EJ205 1998-2002
for Subaru Impreza 2.0L 58T 1998-2003
for Subaru Impreza WRX-NB 2.0L 2000
for Sa-ab 9-2X 2.0L Aero DOHC Turbochaged 2005
for Sa-ab 9-2X 2.5L Aero DOHC Turbochaged 2006
This item is covered by our 12 months unlimited mileage warranty.
1 - 3 Months 100% Refund or Replacement
4 - 12 Months 90%-10% Refund
Over 12 Months No refund
Package Included:
1x Turbocharger
高さ: 0.0 センチ
幅: 0.0 センチ
奥行: 0.0 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg
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