パーカーポイント: 97点 予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2032 The 2017 Chardonnay Belle Cote (composed of Rued clone and Old Wente) grows exponentially on the nose and, with swirling, achieves a crescendo of fresh pineapple, lemon meringue pie, key lime and pink grapefruit with wafts of lychees, rose oil, allspice and tangerine peel. Full-bodied, the palate is wonderfully nuanced with loads of subtle savory and citrus layers and a lively line of freshness cutting through the creamy texture, finishing on lingering praline and brioche-inspired notes. 2,194 cases were made. (February 2020 Week 2, The Wine Advocate, 14th Feb 2020)
シャルドネ ベル コート
ベル コートのブドウは、海抜518~548mで栽培されています。この標高の高さと日当たりの良さが、ゆっくりと長い時間をかけて熟成させる条件となっています。その結果、4つの単一畑のシャルドネの中で最も幅広く太い果実味を持ち、きれいな柑橘類の香り、エキゾチックなライチ、そして私たちの特徴である濡れた石のようなミネラル感が感じられます。
Peter Michael
Chardonnay Belle Cote
予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2032
The 2017 Chardonnay Belle Cote (composed of Rued clone and Old Wente) grows exponentially on the nose and, with swirling, achieves a crescendo of fresh pineapple, lemon meringue pie, key lime and pink grapefruit with wafts of lychees, rose oil, allspice and tangerine peel. Full-bodied, the palate is wonderfully nuanced with loads of subtle savory and citrus layers and a lively line of freshness cutting through the creamy texture, finishing on lingering praline and brioche-inspired notes. 2,194 cases were made.
(February 2020 Week 2, The Wine Advocate, 14th Feb 2020)
ピーター マイケル
Peter Michael
ピーター マイケル 一覧へ
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