The 2013 Roman?e-Saint-Vivant Grand Cru was picked on the afternoon of October 10 and then the following day, cropped at 17.5 hectoliters per hectare. The bouquet is adorable, so pure and comely, with shimmering red cherries, raspberry and orange blossom, a suggestion of cold flint imparting an enigmatic element?a Roman?e-Saint-Vivant that is clearly going to bide its time. The palate is medium-bodied with filigree tannin, impressive weight and almost a surfeit of freshness. There is tension from start to finish that effortlessly disguises the weight, the penetration on the sustained finish. What a wonderful wine from the domaine. Production is 847 cases. Tasted February 2016. (223, The Wine Advocate 4th Mar 2016)
Romanee St.Vivant
予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2045
The 2013 Roman?e-Saint-Vivant Grand Cru was picked on the afternoon of October 10 and then the following day, cropped at 17.5 hectoliters per hectare. The bouquet is adorable, so pure and comely, with shimmering red cherries, raspberry and orange blossom, a suggestion of cold flint imparting an enigmatic element?a Roman?e-Saint-Vivant that is clearly going to bide its time. The palate is medium-bodied with filigree tannin, impressive weight and almost a surfeit of freshness. There is tension from start to finish that effortlessly disguises the weight, the penetration on the sustained finish. What a wonderful wine from the domaine. Production is 847 cases. Tasted February 2016.
(223, The Wine Advocate 4th Mar 2016)
お取寄せ ワイン 赤 375ml カベルネ ソーヴィニョン ナパ ヴァレー 2015 アイズリー ヴィンヤード在庫確認後発送アメリカ カリフォルニア|赤坂ワインストア エラベル
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【送料無料】ヴィアディア ヴィンヤーズ & ワイナリー プロプラエタリー レッド 2019 赤ワイン カベルネ ソーヴィニョン アメリカ 750ml|トスカニー イタリアワイン専門店
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S:ドン・メルチョー 10周年ヴィンテージ・コレクションDon Melchor|ワインショップ フィッチ
2016 エマニュエル ルジェ ヴォーヌ ロマネ 赤ワイン 辛口 750ml Emmanuel Rouget Vosne Romanee|代官山ワインサロン Le・Luxe
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