The 2004 Celebris Vintage Extra-Brut blends 55% Chardonnay from Chouilly, Cramant and Le Mesnil-sur-Oger with 45% Pinot Noir from A?, Bouzy and Verzy. Intensely golden-yellow in color, the reductive yet dense and immensely aromatic bouquet reveals herbal/floral and mineral rather than fruity aromas. There are flavors from ancient, very small pear varieties from the empty glass. Full-bodied, fresh and elegant, this is a round and well-structured 2004 whose finish is still a bit dryish. Minty flavors are displayed in the fresh and evolved but also (still) discreet aftertaste. Tasted in August 2018 from lot L6125111 with a dosage of five grams per liter. (239, The Wine Advocate, 1st Nov 2018)
Celebris Extra Brut
予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2023
The 2004 Celebris Vintage Extra-Brut blends 55% Chardonnay from Chouilly, Cramant and Le Mesnil-sur-Oger with 45% Pinot Noir from A?, Bouzy and Verzy. Intensely golden-yellow in color, the reductive yet dense and immensely aromatic bouquet reveals herbal/floral and mineral rather than fruity aromas. There are flavors from ancient, very small pear varieties from the empty glass. Full-bodied, fresh and elegant, this is a round and well-structured 2004 whose finish is still a bit dryish. Minty flavors are displayed in the fresh and evolved but also (still) discreet aftertaste. Tasted in August 2018 from lot L6125111 with a dosage of five grams per liter.
(239, The Wine Advocate, 1st Nov 2018)
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【未開栓】KRUG クリュッグ ロゼ ブリュット 750ml 【中古】|ブランド専門店ハーフプライス
J.M.ゴビヤール・キュヴェ・プレステージ・ロゼ・ミレジム 2018|YNSトウキョー(ワインズ東京)