The landscape of Langhe is dotted with vineyards and hazelnut trees, this terroir offers a unique perspective. If the region produces many wines, the barolo is considered "the wine of wines", made entirely of nebbiolo, which means "fog" in Italian, indeed, its strong resistance to cold and its slow maturation are worth it to be harvested late in autumn, while a misty mantle covers the Piedmontese valleys. In its first three years of life, while it is still in the cellar, we would confuse nebbiolo with pinot noir, then its profile metamorphoses towards the notes that characterize it, spectres of its terroir, rose, violet, spices, crunchy red fruits nestle in a cashmere texture, structured by abundant tannins Varietie : Nebbiolo Wine Score : 95/100 75cl
Giacomo Conterno Barolo Riserva 2014 / ジャコモ コンテルノ バローロ リゼルヴァ 2014
The landscape of Langhe is dotted with vineyards and hazelnut trees, this terroir offers a unique perspective. If the region produces many wines, the barolo is considered "the wine of wines", made entirely of nebbiolo, which means "fog" in Italian, indeed, its strong resistance to cold and its slow maturation are worth it to be harvested late in autumn, while a misty mantle covers the Piedmontese valleys.
In its first three years of life, while it is still in the cellar, we would confuse nebbiolo with pinot noir, then its profile metamorphoses towards the notes that characterize it, spectres of its terroir, rose, violet, spices, crunchy red fruits nestle in a cashmere texture, structured by abundant tannins
Varietie : Nebbiolo
Wine Score : 95/100
1995年 名前入り彫刻 生まれ年 赤ワイン サントネイ ロア ラボーム 辛口 平成7年 名入れ 誕生日プレゼント ワインセット 木箱入|アトリエココロ 店
Mジュヴレ・シャンベルタン ラ・マリー[2020]/クロード・デュガ(ミレジム)|金沢マル源酒店
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シャンボール ミュジニー 1級 レ オー ドワ 1999 ロベール グロフィエ Chambolle Musigny Les Hauts Doix Robert Groffier 赤ワイン フランス ブルゴーニュ|葡萄畑 ココス
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シャトー ラフィット ロートシルト 1985 ラベル不良 ロスチャイルド Chateau Lafite Rothschild フランス ボルドー 赤ワイン|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
ドメーヌ・メオ・カミュゼコルトン・レ・ペリエール・グラン・クリュ 2017|World 酒 Selection
【送料無料】シャトー オーゾンヌ 2017 赤ワイン フランス 750ml|トスカニー イタリアワイン専門店