ローズ ド ジャンヌ レ ズルシュル ブラン ド ノワール Roses de Jeanne les Ursules Blanc de Noirs
パーカーポイント: 94点 予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2028 Cédric Bouchard's 2013 Blanc de Noirs "Les Ursules" is pure Pinot Noir from a north-facing 0.97-hectare vineyard planted on clay limestone in 1974. The 2013 is concentrated on the nose, with lots of quinces and red fruits. On the palate, this is a mouth-filling, generously rich and concentrated yet fine and elegant Les Ursules with lots of energy and persistent mineral tension. The finish is very long and intense yet delicate, with no aggression at all. The acidity lifts the ripeness in a fascinating way here. There is great finesse and purity here but also fruitiness and endless salinity! Just beautiful! Tasted at the domaine in April 2018. Total production: 2,800 bottles plus 400 magnums. (238, The Wine Advocate, 1st Sep 2018)
Cedric Bouchard
Roses de Jeanne les Ursules Blanc de Noirs
予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2028
Cédric Bouchard's 2013 Blanc de Noirs "Les Ursules" is pure Pinot Noir from a north-facing 0.97-hectare vineyard planted on clay limestone in 1974. The 2013 is concentrated on the nose, with lots of quinces and red fruits. On the palate, this is a mouth-filling, generously rich and concentrated yet fine and elegant Les Ursules with lots of energy and persistent mineral tension. The finish is very long and intense yet delicate, with no aggression at all. The acidity lifts the ripeness in a fascinating way here. There is great finesse and purity here but also fruitiness and endless salinity! Just beautiful! Tasted at the domaine in April 2018. Total production: 2,800 bottles plus 400 magnums.
(238, The Wine Advocate, 1st Sep 2018)
セドリック ブシャール
Cedric Bouchard
野生酵母による発酵は数週間から数ヶ月にも及び、 単一畑 、単一品種、 単一年 のキュヴェしか造らない理由からアッサンブラージュは行いません。気圧は4.5程度と低く瓶詰めまで6-7か月間はステンレスタンクで寝かされます。瓶内熟成期間はほぼ3年間。
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