【新入荷・人気激安】Chateau Lafleur シャトー・ラフルール 2001|Fine and Rare
Chateau Lafleur シャトー・ラフルール 2001
Located in the vicinity of Ch・・teau P・・trus, this small estate shares history with the property across the road, Ch・・teau Le Gay. Both part of the property Le Manoir de Gay in the mid 18th century, it was purchased by the Greloud family and divided among the sons into two properties, the Domain de Lafleur section eventually inherited by Andr・・ Robin who imprinted on Lafleur his personal motto, "Qualit・・ passe quantit・・". Varieties : Merlot (95%), Cabernet Franc (5%) Wine Score : 93/100 75cl x 6
Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。 Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。
Chateau Lafleur シャトー・ラフルール 2001
Located in the vicinity of Ch・・teau P・・trus, this small estate shares history with the property across the road, Ch・・teau Le Gay.
Both part of the property Le Manoir de Gay in the mid 18th century, it was purchased by the Greloud family and divided among the sons into two properties, the Domain de Lafleur section eventually inherited by Andr・・ Robin who imprinted on Lafleur his personal motto, "Qualit・・ passe quantit・・".
Varieties : Merlot (95%), Cabernet Franc (5%)
Wine Score : 93/100
75cl x 6
Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。
Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。
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