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Active Shield noise canceling reduces noise by up to 97%Convenient hands-free calling with mic and Bluetooth 4.0. Press and hold the ANC onoff button for 2 seconds to enable noise cancelation.Rechargeable battery offers up to 16 hours of wireless musicSimple NFC one-tap pairingActivate Siri and Google Now with a press on ear can button ※スペックなどご不明な点はお気軽にお問合せください。 ■お届けについて こちらは海外から取り寄せ商品です。 御注文後1〜3週間程度で発送させていただきます。
Active Shield noise canceling reduces noise by up to 97%Convenient hands-free calling with mic and Bluetooth 4.0. Press and hold the ANC onoff button for 2 seconds to enable noise cancelation.Rechargeable battery offers up to 16 hours of wireless musicSimple NFC one-tap pairingActivate Siri and Google Now with a press on ear can button
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