激安通販のVEGA SICILIA UNICO 2011 / ベガ シシリア ウニコ 2011|Fine and Rare
VEGA SICILIA UNICO 2011 / ベガ シシリア ウニコ 2011
In 1848, the Marquis of Valbuena sold one of his estates Located in the wine region of Ribera del Duero, the Pago de la Vega Santa Cecilia y Carrascal, Subsequently this name was shortened to Vega Sicilia, located in the center of Castile, in the valley carved 50 million years ago by the "golden river" that gives it its name, an almost mystical, powdery and melancholic atmosphere. The tinto fino takes root in the form of a bush that opens in hands stretched out to the sky. Blend : Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Score : 95/100 75cl x 6
VEGA SICILIA UNICO 2011 / ベガ シシリア ウニコ 2011
In 1848, the Marquis of Valbuena sold one of his estates Located in the wine region of Ribera del Duero, the Pago de la Vega Santa Cecilia y Carrascal, Subsequently this name was shortened to Vega Sicilia, located in the center of Castile, in the valley carved 50 million years ago by the "golden river" that gives it its name, an almost mystical, powdery and melancholic atmosphere. The tinto fino takes root in the form of a bush that opens in hands stretched out to the sky.
Blend : Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon
Wine Score : 95/100
75cl x 6
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