The 2015 Echezeaux Grand Cru is very fine, offering up a dramatic nose of ripe red fruit, bonfire, espresso roast and sweet loamy soil. On the palate, the wine is rich and powerful, evidently structurally firmer and more masculine than the Beaumonts, although its tannins are similarly cloaked in a deep core of succulent fruit. There's also good freshness here despite the considerable power and amplitude. (236, The Wine Advocate 27th Apr 2018)
Emmanuel Rouget
The 2015 Echezeaux Grand Cru is very fine, offering up a dramatic nose of ripe red fruit, bonfire, espresso roast and sweet loamy soil. On the palate, the wine is rich and powerful, evidently structurally firmer and more masculine than the Beaumonts, although its tannins are similarly cloaked in a deep core of succulent fruit. There's also good freshness here despite the considerable power and amplitude.
(236, The Wine Advocate 27th Apr 2018)
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