The castle takes its name in part from the beautiful and large pebbles that litter its terroir and actively participate in the quality of the wines, in particular by restoring in the evening the heat accumulated during the day, The other part of the name of this property is a tribute to one of its owners, Bertrand Ducru, who acquired the estate from the Bergeron family in 1795. it is classified second grand cru in the classification of 1855 Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc. Wine Score : 96/100 300cl
Chateau Ducru-Beaucaillou 2013 / シャトー デュクリュ ボーカイユ 2013
The castle takes its name in part from the beautiful and large pebbles that litter its terroir and actively participate in the quality of the wines, in particular by restoring in the evening the heat accumulated during the day,
The other part of the name of this property is a tribute to one of its owners, Bertrand Ducru, who acquired the estate from the Bergeron family in 1795.
it is classified second grand cru in the classification of 1855
Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc.
Wine Score : 96/100
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