パーカーポイント: 96点 予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2035 The 2004 Blanc de Blancs Le Mesnil Brut is another rather structured, tensile wine from a generally rather open vintage. Wafting from the glass are scents of citrus rind, crisp green apple, preserved citrus, fresh bread and smoke. Medium to full-bodied, tangy and chiseled, with fine depth at the core and a long, chalky finish, it's complemented by a pillowy pinpoint mousse. Unlike many wines from 2004, this Salon (tasted from a bottle disgorged in January 2019) still has potential to improve with further bottle age. (End of March 2021, The Wine Advocate, 1st Apr 2021)
Blanc de Blancs
予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2035
The 2004 Blanc de Blancs Le Mesnil Brut is another rather structured, tensile wine from a generally rather open vintage. Wafting from the glass are scents of citrus rind, crisp green apple, preserved citrus, fresh bread and smoke. Medium to full-bodied, tangy and chiseled, with fine depth at the core and a long, chalky finish, it's complemented by a pillowy pinpoint mousse. Unlike many wines from 2004, this Salon (tasted from a bottle disgorged in January 2019) still has potential to improve with further bottle age.
(End of March 2021, The Wine Advocate, 1st Apr 2021)
歴史が刻まれたシャンパーニュ、サロン。1910年代、ユジェーヌ=エメ・サロンが目指したシャンパーニュは、メニル=シュール=オジェというひとつの偉大なテロワールで収穫された、シャルドネのみ使用のヴィンテージワインでした。まさに唯一無二という特徴のもと、繊細で複雑な世界最高のシャンパーニュを夢見たのです。 20世紀を通じて製造されたミレジム数がわずか37という、ワインの世界にとって異例の製造記録を残しています。
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