【品質保証します】Masseto Toscana 2018 / マッセート トスカーナ 2018|Fine and Rare
Masseto Toscana 2018 / マッセート トスカーナ 2018
On the Tuscan coast, a hillside vineyard overlooks the Tyrrhenian Sea, near the small village of Bolgheri, the wine that is born on these lands might never have existed. In the mid-1980s, the unsuspected potential of this neglected hill was expressed when the first vines were planted there despite local traditions. Masseto takes its name from the clods of blue clay, the 'massi' that form in the vineyard, A few million years ago, the marine substrate gradually turned into blue clay dotted with shells and fossils that rose to the surface in this hill. Varietie : Merlot Wine Score : 95/100 75cl
Masseto Toscana 2018 / マッセート トスカーナ 2018
On the Tuscan coast, a hillside vineyard overlooks the Tyrrhenian Sea, near the small village of Bolgheri, the wine that is born on these lands might never have existed. In the mid-1980s, the unsuspected potential of this neglected hill was expressed when the first vines were planted there despite local traditions.
Masseto takes its name from the clods of blue clay, the 'massi' that form in the vineyard, A few million years ago, the marine substrate gradually turned into blue clay dotted with shells and fossils that rose to the surface in this hill.
Varietie : Merlot
Wine Score : 95/100
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