An exclusive winemaker, remarkable quality, Bizot owns approximately 3.5ha of vines which he manages from his property in Vosne-Roman・・e. His vines are particularly old, with many parcels planted prior to 1960. From Vosne, he makes three different village level cuv・・es, of which Les Jach・・es, from vines planted in 1930, may be the most celebrated. Above his village holdings is half a hectare of ・・chezeaux, of which the Les Orveaux lieu-dit is bottled as grand cru, while the Les Treux lieu-dit is usually declassified to Vosne Premier Cru.
BOURGOGNE LE CHAPITRE DOMAINE BIZOT 2011 / ブルゴーニュ ル シャピトル ドメーヌ ビゾ 2011
An exclusive winemaker, remarkable quality, Bizot owns approximately 3.5ha of vines which he manages from his property in Vosne-Roman・・e. His vines are particularly old, with many parcels planted prior to 1960. From Vosne, he makes three different village level cuv・・es, of which Les Jach・・es, from vines planted in 1930, may be the most celebrated. Above his village holdings is half a hectare of ・・chezeaux, of which the Les Orveaux lieu-dit is bottled as grand cru, while the Les Treux lieu-dit is usually declassified to Vosne Premier Cru.
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