新着VViViD+ Ultimate Headlight Taillight Tint Vinyl Wrap (16 x 30ft, Light Smoke) 並行輸入品 :IDVDXXAMB09TL9Q8ZZ:カシオペア・エクスプレス

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ULTIMATE GLOSS: By far the glossiest headlight tints modern technology can produce, with a finish that rivals the best gloss paint
ULTIMATE CLARITY: More visible light transmission than has ever previously been possible in a Smoke headlight tint. Now you can stay safe on the road, without compromising on style
ULTIMATE USABILITY: Easier to stretch, conform and reposition than ever before. VViViD’s protective cap preserves the vinyl’s pristine appearance throughout the installation
NANO AIR-RELEASE: Dry install, quickly and easily. Apply heat and see the micro air-release pattern literally vanish, leaving a gloss finish so smooth, you’ll swear it’s paint
ULTRA-CLEAR ADHESVE: VViViD’s hardened acrylic adhesive ensures maximum headlight brightness, without damaging surfaces or coatings like other adhesives on the market
説明: VViViD+ Ultimate tints were produced with one goal in mind; to make the best headlight tints available. These films are the result of VViViD listening to your feedback and refining our product over many years, until we produced a tint that literally cannot be bettered. Ultimate Tint’s extreme high-gloss finish easily rivals industry-leading gloss paints, helped by an air-release so fine it literally vanishes during post-heating, completely eliminating any ‘orange-peel’ effect. With more stretch than ever before, Ultimate Tint conforms easily to difficult shapes, taking the hard work out of wrapping. VViViD’s Ultra-Clear adhesive ensures maximum headlight brightness, so you don’t have to sacrifice style for safety and visibility. Ultimate tint comes with a flexible cap which will stretch with the film as you install it, protecting it from scratches and finger-prints. Remove the cap after application, to reveal a beautiful finish, superior in every way to previously existing headlight wraps. You spoke. We listened. Now experience the headlight tints you always wanted. VViViD+ Ultimate Tints
カテゴリー: シール
メーカー: VViViD
ブランド: VViViD
高さ: 42.3 センチ
幅: 7.8 センチ
奥行: 7.7 センチ
重量: 1.5 Kg
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