■《ワイン アドヴォケイト》より抜粋■ Tasted at the chateau and then blind at Farr Vintners' tasting, the 2006 Nenin is actually exactly the same blend as the 2005, but I prefer this vintage. There is more freshness on the nose with redcurrant, cranberry, cedar and sous-bois aromas, dried herbs in the background. The palate is fresh on the entry with fine, supple tannin. There is good grip in the mouth, pencil shavings tincturing the black fruit with a satisfying, graphite-tinged finish. This is one of the few wines where the 2006 is clearly superior to the 2005 and it comes recommended. Tasted April 2016.
※WA : Wine Advocate Rating
※WS : Wine Spectator Rating
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