大きな取引Jacques Selosse Lieux-dits 'Le Bout du Clos’ Ambonnay / ジャック セロス リュー ディ ル ブー デュ クロ アンボネイ|Fine and Rare
Jacques Selosse Lieux-dits 'Le Bout du Clos’ Ambonnay / ジャック セロス リュー ディ ル ブー デュ クロ アンボネイ
The estate was founded by Jacques Selosse and his family in the 1950s, with the first vintage being bottled in 1960. Anselme Selosse, son of Jacques, was one of the first winemakers to apply the winemaking techniques of white Burgundy to Champagne. The entire production is grown according to biodynamic principles and Anselme is considered a pioneer of biodynamics in Champagne, Selosse wines are fermented using oak barrels, in contrast to the majority of Champagne producers who use stainless steel tanks. Varieties: Chardonnay 95/100
Jacques Selosse Lieux-dits 'Le Bout du Clos’ Ambonnay / ジャック セロス リュー ディ ル ブー デュ クロ アンボネイ
The estate was founded by Jacques Selosse and his family in the 1950s, with the first vintage being bottled in 1960.
Anselme Selosse, son of Jacques, was one of the first winemakers to apply the winemaking techniques of white Burgundy to Champagne.
The entire production is grown according to biodynamic principles and Anselme is considered a pioneer of biodynamics in Champagne, Selosse wines are fermented using oak barrels, in contrast to the majority of Champagne producers who use stainless steel tanks.
Varieties: Chardonnay
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