≪パーカーポイント 95点!≫ 2012 Kistler Chardonnay Vine Hill Vineyard Rating :95 Drink Date :2015 - 2022 Reviewed by :Robert M. Parker, Jr. Issue Date :2nd Jan 2015 Source :216 (Part 2), The Wine Advocate The honeysuckle, white currants, quince and wet rock/mineral notes of the crisp yet full-bodied, concentrated 2012 Chardonnay Vine Hill are fresh, lively, exuberant and, at the same time, powerful and elegant. This is a beauty, combining both elegance and depth. It should drink well for 5-7 years.
≪パーカーポイント 95点!≫
2012 Kistler Chardonnay Vine Hill Vineyard
Rating :95
Drink Date :2015 - 2022
Reviewed by :Robert M. Parker, Jr.
Issue Date :2nd Jan 2015
Source :216 (Part 2), The Wine Advocate
The honeysuckle, white currants, quince and wet rock/mineral notes of the crisp yet full-bodied, concentrated 2012 Chardonnay Vine Hill are fresh, lively, exuberant and, at the same time, powerful and elegant. This is a beauty, combining both elegance and depth. It should drink well for 5-7 years.
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