限定特価セールヴァンサン ドーヴィサ シャブリ レ クロ グラン クリュ 2011 Vincent Dauvissat Chablis Les Clos フランス ブルゴーニュ 白ワイン|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
ヴァンサン ドーヴィサ Vincent Dauvissat
シャブリ レ クロ Chablis Les Clos
パーカーポイント: 90点 予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2030 Tasted blind at the Burgundy 2011 horizontal tasting in Beaune. The 2011 Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos has an initially quite simple bouquet, but one that gains complexity with salted caramel, almond and smoke scents, well defined and gaining vigor with aeration. The palate is crisp and focused on the entry with a fine line of acidity and minerality, although it feels quite austere toward the razor-sharp finish. This is another Dauvissat wine that has completely closed down now, and I expect my parsimonious score will be made to look foolish down the line. (Special Interim Issue Report, The Wine Advocate, 30th Nov 2014)
Vincent Dauvissat
Chablis Les Clos
予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2030
Tasted blind at the Burgundy 2011 horizontal tasting in Beaune. The 2011 Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos has an initially quite simple bouquet, but one that gains complexity with salted caramel, almond and smoke scents, well defined and gaining vigor with aeration. The palate is crisp and focused on the entry with a fine line of acidity and minerality, although it feels quite austere toward the razor-sharp finish. This is another Dauvissat wine that has completely closed down now, and I expect my parsimonious score will be made to look foolish down the line.
(Special Interim Issue Report, The Wine Advocate, 30th Nov 2014)
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