【特価セール】Rogue ローグ LX400 Series III Pro Electric Bass Guitar Transparent Black ベースギター エレクトリックベース|Mars shop
FEATURES Rogue LX400 Pro 4-String Electric Bass Features Basswood body with quilted maple top and matching veneer on headstock Canadian hard maple neck deeply set into the body and fastened with 6 bolts giving the sustain of a thru-body neck design 2-way truss rod Highest-grade Indian rosewood fingerboard Real blue abalone position markers Graphite nut Satin chrome die-cast tuners Satin chrome die-cast bridge Strings can anchored thru body or thru bridge An MM-style humbucker in bridge position and exposed pole-piece single-coil pickup in the middle position Active circuit can be bypassed if your battery fails with pullout volume knob switch Controls include volume blend treble boost/cut and bass boost/cut
Rogue LX400 Pro 4-String Electric Bass Features
Basswood body with quilted maple top and matching veneer on headstock
Canadian hard maple neck deeply set into the body and fastened with 6 bolts giving the sustain of a thru-body neck design
2-way truss rod
Highest-grade Indian rosewood fingerboard
Real blue abalone position markers
Graphite nut
Satin chrome die-cast tuners
Satin chrome die-cast bridge
Strings can anchored thru body or thru bridge
An MM-style humbucker in bridge position and exposed pole-piece single-coil pickup in the middle position
Active circuit can be bypassed if your battery fails with pullout volume knob switch
Controls include volume blend treble boost/cut and bass boost/cut
YAMAHA / SBV500 【中古】【楽器/エレキベース/台湾製/SBVシリーズ/2006年製/非純正ソフトケース付き】|お宝市番館
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