Rating :95 Drink Date :2012 - 2019 Reviewed by :Antonio Galloni Issue Date :23rd Dec 2011 Source :199, The Wine Advocate The 2009 Chardonnay Durrell Vineyard shows the more tropical, lush side of Chardonnay. There is plenty of underlying minerality to provide support. Layers of fruit build towards the effortless, gracious finish. The Durell can be enjoyed today or cellared for a handful of years. Here, too, the balance of fruit, acidity and structure is compelling. Anticipated maturity: 2012-2019.
たっぷりのミネラル。果実、酸、骨格のバランスが見事!! R.Parker
≪パーカーポイント 95点!≫
2009 Kistler Chardonnay Durell Vineyard
Rating :95
Drink Date :2012 - 2019
Reviewed by :Antonio Galloni
Issue Date :23rd Dec 2011
Source :199, The Wine Advocate
The 2009 Chardonnay Durrell Vineyard shows the more tropical, lush side of Chardonnay. There is plenty of underlying minerality to provide support. Layers of fruit build towards the effortless, gracious finish. The Durell can be enjoyed today or cellared for a handful of years. Here, too, the balance of fruit, acidity and structure is compelling. Anticipated maturity: 2012-2019.
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