ワインアドヴォケイト:94+ ポイント Rating 94+ Release Price NA Drink Date 2020 - 2040 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 1st May 2019 Source Issue 242 End of April 2019, The Wine Advocate Since Gosset makes a point of commercializing wines only when they deem them ready, the 2012 Grand Millesime Brut will be released at the end of this year, while the 2010 and 2008 continue to wait in the wings. The wine is still quite tightly wound after its recent disgorgement, unfurling in the glass with a youthful bouquet of warm biscuits, apple, lemon and peach that picks up a more pronounced smoky top note as the wine sits in the glass. On the palate, it's medium to full-bodied, broad and powerful, with a deep and concentrated core, incisive acids and a precise, saline finish. This is a muscular vintage of the Grand Millesime that seems likely to evolve slowly.
This was a wonderful tasting with Gosset's cellar master Odilon de Varine, who presides over a remarkably consistent range of powerful but elegantly austere Champagnes that emphasize, as he puts it, the region's "mineral side." No doubt the systematic prevention of malolactic fermentation plays an important role in the house's tightly wound, incisive style. The philosophy here is that Champagne acquires complexity from evolution in bottle on the lees, not in barrel or tank, nor from the addition of elevated percentages of reserve wines. The release date of Gosset's cuvees is determined by tasting-which is why both the 2008 and 2010 Grand Millesime will be preceded by the release of the 2012 rendition.
ジェームスサックリング:93 ポイント GOSSET CHAMPAGNE GRAND MILLESIME BRUT 2012 Monday, September 2, 2019 CountryFrance RegionChampagne Vintage2012 Score 93 This offers spiced berry-biscuit aromas and a toasted hazelnut and brioche edge. Berry pastry, too. The palate has a suave, sleek and smooth texture. Finely honed and finishes dry. Flavor and focus here. Drink or hold.
vinous:92 ポイント 92 Drinking Window 2020 - 2027 From: Champagne: 2020 New Releases (Nov 2020) Gosset's 2012 Brut Grand Millesime offers a terrific expression of the year in its toasted, open-knit personality. Pastry, orchard fruit, spice and light tropical accents all grace this translucent, alluring Champagne from Gosset. The 2012 has plenty of the energy Gosset fans will expect, but slightly softer contours that make the wine easy to drink and enjoy upon release. - By Antonio Galloni on November 2020
「グラン・ミレジメ ブリュット」は、長期熟成に耐えられるブドウが収穫された最良年にのみ造られるシャンパーニュ。アイ、ブージィ、ル・メニル、アンボネの特級畑のブドウのみを使用しており、収穫後村ごとに分けてプレスされた後、アッサンブラージュされます。
Ay, Bouzy, Ambonnay, Le Mesnil-sur-Oger (G Cru) ほぼグラン・クリュのみを使用。長い熟成に耐えられる最良年のみ造られる。18℃で約15日間のアルコール発酵。マロラクティック発酵は行わない。12月にアッサンブラージュ。瓶詰めは翌年の3月~6月。最低72ヶ月の瓶内熟成。ドザージュ8/L。
Champagne Gosset Grand Millesime Brut
ゴッセ ゴッセ グラン・ミレジメ ブリュット
生産地:フランス シャンパーニュ
ぶどう品種:シャルドネ 67%、ピノ・ノワール 33%
味わい:シャンパン スパークリングワイン 白 辛口
ワインアドヴォケイト:94+ ポイント
Rating 94+ Release Price NA Drink Date 2020 - 2040 Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 1st May 2019 Source Issue 242 End of April 2019, The Wine Advocate
Since Gosset makes a point of commercializing wines only when they deem them ready, the 2012 Grand Millesime Brut will be released at the end of this year, while the 2010 and 2008 continue to wait in the wings. The wine is still quite tightly wound after its recent disgorgement, unfurling in the glass with a youthful bouquet of warm biscuits, apple, lemon and peach that picks up a more pronounced smoky top note as the wine sits in the glass. On the palate, it's medium to full-bodied, broad and powerful, with a deep and concentrated core, incisive acids and a precise, saline finish. This is a muscular vintage of the Grand Millesime that seems likely to evolve slowly.
This was a wonderful tasting with Gosset's cellar master Odilon de Varine, who presides over a remarkably consistent range of powerful but elegantly austere Champagnes that emphasize, as he puts it, the region's "mineral side." No doubt the systematic prevention of malolactic fermentation plays an important role in the house's tightly wound, incisive style. The philosophy here is that Champagne acquires complexity from evolution in bottle on the lees, not in barrel or tank, nor from the addition of elevated percentages of reserve wines. The release date of Gosset's cuvees is determined by tasting-which is why both the 2008 and 2010 Grand Millesime will be preceded by the release of the 2012 rendition.
ジェームスサックリング:93 ポイント
GOSSET CHAMPAGNE GRAND MILLESIME BRUT 2012 Monday, September 2, 2019 CountryFrance RegionChampagne Vintage2012 Score 93
This offers spiced berry-biscuit aromas and a toasted hazelnut and brioche edge. Berry pastry, too. The palate has a suave, sleek and smooth texture. Finely honed and finishes dry. Flavor and focus here. Drink or hold.
vinous:92 ポイント
92 Drinking Window 2020 - 2027 From: Champagne: 2020 New Releases (Nov 2020)
Gosset's 2012 Brut Grand Millesime offers a terrific expression of the year in its toasted, open-knit personality. Pastry, orchard fruit, spice and light tropical accents all grace this translucent, alluring Champagne from Gosset. The 2012 has plenty of the energy Gosset fans will expect, but slightly softer contours that make the wine easy to drink and enjoy upon release. - By Antonio Galloni on November 2020
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ピエール ペテルス キュヴェ スペシャル レ シェティヨン ブリュット ブラン ド ブラン グラン クリュ 750ml[NT フランス シャンパン シャンパーニュ 辛口 201073]|ハードリカー 店
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送料無料 クール便 【 27年熟成 】 1995年 ドイツ モーゼル ヴァイスブルグンダー ピノ ブラン ゼクト トロッケン 辛口 スパークリングワイン 白 シャンパン 製法 750ml SMW RESERVE 1995er Mosel Sekt TROCKEN ギフト 贈り物 誕生日|いわき三國屋 店
【豪華ギフト箱入り】ジュヴェ カンプス ラ カペラ グラン レセルバ ブルット ナトゥール ヴィンテージ 2010 蔵出し品 DOカバ デ パラ 明治屋輸入品 正規品Juve y Camps Cava“La Capella”Gran Reserva Brut Vintage 2010 DO Cava de Paraje Calificado|うきうきワインの玉手箱
【誰でもP5倍 11/15限定】フィリポナ グラン ブラン 2009 750ml 辛口 ヴァレ ド ラ マルヌ シャルドネ シャンパーニュ 虎 【お1人様1本限り】 お歳暮 御歳暮 クリスマス ギフト|ワイン&ワインセラー セラー専科
【全国送料無料クール便】KENZO ESTATE 結 yui 2020 750ml【RPC】【YOUNG zone】【ギフト】|濱の酒屋 中野酒店 店
ジャン・ルイ・ヴェルニョン [2011] メニル シェティヨン・エ・ミュセット エクストラ・ブリュット グラン・クリュ 750ml(2023年)【 JR91 JS91】【ワイナート】【シャンパーニュ】(J.L. Vergnon)|地酒、ワインの専門店 喜咲酒家