公式オンラインCafe Affetto Automatic Espresso Machine + Milk Frother | Built In & Adjustable Espresso Bean Grinder | One Touch Brew in 90 Seconds | Matte White, 1. :B09TPZWNYM:EMIEMI
全国送料無料でお届け!当社は主に海外に在庫がございます。海外からの取り寄せ商品の場合、お届けまでに入金確認後5-14営業日程お時間を頂戴しております。検品担当がチェックを行い、随時状況をご連絡しご不安なくお買い物を楽しんで頂けるよう努めております。●表示在庫以上のまとめ買い希望もお承っております。メールにてお気軽にお問合せ下さい。●税関手続き、関税支払い等すべて当方で対応させていただいております。安心してお受け取りくださいませ。 商品説明 ・ONE TOUCH BREW - With a single press of a button and in less than 90 seconds, this automatic espresso machine dispenses Espresso, Americano, Lungo, My Cup or Hot Water. My Cup is set to ristretto and can be adjusted to a favorite espresso recipe via the SmartHQ app. ・WIFI CONNECTED WITH DRINK CUSTOMIZATION TECHNOLOGY - Equip your kitchen with a smart espresso machine that syncs with the SmartHQ app, allowing users to customize drink preferences by volume and strength, while also enabling software updates ・BALANCED EXTRACTION - Beans are pre-infused with low pressure to gently bloom optimal flavor profiles and gradually increased to 20 bars of high rated pump pressure to ensure even extraction for a balanced tasting cup ・BUILT-IN CONICAL BURR GRINDER & ADJUSTABLE GRIND SIZE - The stainless steel conical burr grinder delivers a consistent grind with any bean roast. Plus, you can control your grind size with 5 levels ranging from coarsest to finest for ideal taste and aroma extraction. ・STEAM FROTHER & FROTHING PITCHER - The built-in foam technology creates a variety of textures: airy for cappuccino, denser for latte macchiato and more. The wand rotates to the right at 90 degrees for control and convenience. Included with the machine, a durable stainless steel frothing pitcher has 15.8 ounces of capacity and liquid measurement engravings on the inside. ・Too coarse a grind, too little coffee, or insufficiently tamping the grounds before brewing can all lead to inadequate pressure for a proper brew. It is important to note that the amount of espresso extracted will vary depending on the grind size and amount and reprogramming may be needed when the size and amount are adjusted カテゴリー: コーヒーメーカー メーカー: Caf〓 ブランド: Caf〓 高さ: 52.1 センチ 幅: 47.0 センチ 奥行: 26.7 センチ 重量: 11.3 Kg 全国送料無料でお届け!当社は主に海外に在庫がございます。海外からの取り寄せ商品の場合、お届けまでに入金確認後5-14営業日程お時間を頂戴しております。検品担当がチェックを行い、随時状況をご連絡しご不安なくお買い物を楽しんで頂けるよう努めております。●表示在庫以上のまとめ買い希望もお承っております。メールにてお気軽にお問合せ下さい。●税関手続き、関税支払い等すべて当方で対応させていただいております。安心してお受け取りくださいませ。
・ONE TOUCH BREW - With a single press of a button and in less than 90 seconds, this automatic espresso machine dispenses Espresso, Americano, Lungo, My Cup or Hot Water. My Cup is set to ristretto and can be adjusted to a favorite espresso recipe via the SmartHQ app.
・WIFI CONNECTED WITH DRINK CUSTOMIZATION TECHNOLOGY - Equip your kitchen with a smart espresso machine that syncs with the SmartHQ app, allowing users to customize drink preferences by volume and strength, while also enabling software updates
・BALANCED EXTRACTION - Beans are pre-infused with low pressure to gently bloom optimal flavor profiles and gradually increased to 20 bars of high rated pump pressure to ensure even extraction for a balanced tasting cup
・BUILT-IN CONICAL BURR GRINDER & ADJUSTABLE GRIND SIZE - The stainless steel conical burr grinder delivers a consistent grind with any bean roast. Plus, you can control your grind size with 5 levels ranging from coarsest to finest for ideal taste and aroma extraction.
・STEAM FROTHER & FROTHING PITCHER - The built-in foam technology creates a variety of textures: airy for cappuccino, denser for latte macchiato and more. The wand rotates to the right at 90 degrees for control and convenience. Included with the machine, a durable stainless steel frothing pitcher has 15.8 ounces of capacity and liquid measurement engravings on the inside.
・Too coarse a grind, too little coffee, or insufficiently tamping the grounds before brewing can all lead to inadequate pressure for a proper brew. It is important to note that the amount of espresso extracted will vary depending on the grind size and amount and reprogramming may be needed when the size and amount are adjusted
カテゴリー: コーヒーメーカー
メーカー: Caf〓
ブランド: Caf〓
高さ: 52.1 センチ
幅: 47.0 センチ
奥行: 26.7 センチ
重量: 11.3 Kg
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