Legend has it that Dom P・・rignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom P・・rignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity. But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the sugar contained in the wax, falling into the bottle caused a second fermentation. A happy coincidence would have allowed Dom P・・rignon to discover fermentation in the bottle. The "Champagne method" or, more simply champagne, would have been born. Varieties : Chardonnay Wine Score : 95/100 75cl
Dom Perignon P2 Plenitude Brut 1996 / ドン ペリニヨン プレニチュード2 プレニチュード ブリュット 1996
Legend has it that Dom P・・rignon was the first to discover the controlled method of frothing bottled Champagne wine. At the time, the bottles were corked with wooden pegs lined with tow soaked in oil, Dom P・・rignon would have had the idea of pouring beeswax into the neck of the bottles, thus ensuring them a perfect hermeticity.
But after a few weeks, most of the bottles would have exploded, unable to withstand the pressure. In fact the sugar contained in the wax, falling into the bottle caused a second fermentation. A happy coincidence would have allowed Dom P・・rignon to discover fermentation in the bottle. The "Champagne method" or, more simply champagne, would have been born.
Varieties : Chardonnay
Wine Score : 95/100
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[2002] サロン ブラン ド ブラン ブリュット 750ml (シャンパン フランス シャンパーニュ)白泡 コク辛口 ^VASO06A2^|ヴェリタス~輸入直販ワイン専門店
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【アウトレット】ジャック セロス ブリュット ロゼ 箱なし ラベルキズ・しわ・汚れ・擦れ等 750ml (シャンパン フランス シャンパーニュ)ロゼ泡 コク辛口 ^VAJS16AG^|ヴェリタス~輸入直販ワイン専門店
ドンペリ ドンペリニヨン ヴィンテージ 2009 ギフトボックス ドン ペリニヨン ドンペリニョン Dom Perignon Vintage フランス シャンパン シャンパーニュ 新入荷[のこり1本]|ロマネ ROMANEE
☆送料無料☆エンジェル シャンパン ヴィンテージ グリーン (緑 みどり) 2005 ANGEL CHAMPAGNE VINTAGE 2005 GREEN 箱付き [正規品]|渋谷酒販
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