Jack Skellington's haunting face is given an eerie glow in this ghostly work by Noah. Inspired by Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, this limited edition gicl?e is available in a variety of formats. ●詳細 Created especially for Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort ''Jack - Nightmare Before Christmas'' by Noah Inspired by Disney's Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) All products are packaged using custom made art shipping boxes Gallery wrapped gicl?e on canvas, unframed Limited Edition of 295 61cm(高さ) x 48cm(幅) Gicl?e on canvas, framed: Limited Edition of 195 69cm(高さ) x 55cm(幅) Gicl?e on canvas, framed: Limited Edition of 95 76cm(高さ) x 61cm(幅) Featured Artist at the Epcot International Festival of the Arts 2017. ●仕様 Printed in U.S.A. ジャック・スケリントンの顔が不気味な輝きを放っています。ティム・バートンの『ナイトメアー・ビフォア・クリスマス』にインスパイアされたこの限定版は、様々なフォーマットで販売されています。 お届け時期:2-4週間後 当商品は「61cm x 76.2cm Framed 」です。 ※この作品の別のスタイルは こちら です。
Jack Skellington's haunting face is given an eerie glow in this ghostly work by Noah. Inspired by Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, this limited edition gicl?e is available in a variety of formats.
Created especially for Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort
''Jack - Nightmare Before Christmas'' by Noah
Inspired by Disney's Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
All products are packaged using custom made art shipping boxes
Gallery wrapped gicl?e on canvas, unframed
Limited Edition of 295
61cm(高さ) x 48cm(幅)
Gicl?e on canvas, framed:
Limited Edition of 195
69cm(高さ) x 55cm(幅)
Gicl?e on canvas, framed:
Limited Edition of 95
76cm(高さ) x 61cm(幅)
Featured Artist at the Epcot International Festival of the Arts 2017.
Printed in U.S.A.
お届け時期:2-4週間後 当商品は「61cm x 76.2cm Framed 」です。
※この作品の別のスタイルは こちら です。
・お届け時期: 2-4週間後
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