≪パーカーポイント 94点!≫ 2018 Domaine Michel Niellon Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les ChaumeesClos de la Truffiere Rating :94 Release Price :NA Drink Date :2024 - 2045 Reviewed by :William Kelley Issue Date :10th Jan 2020 Source :January 2020 Week 2, The Wine Advocate One wine that's indubitably built for the cellar is Niellon's emblematic 2018 Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Chaumees Clos de la Truffiere. Opening in the glass with scents of crisp orchard fruit, Meyer lemon, wheat toast and a subtle touch of reduction, it's medium to full-bodied, textural and incisive, with fine depth at the core, lively acids, and a long, precise finish.
≪パーカーポイント 94点!≫
2018 Domaine Michel Niellon Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les ChaumeesClos de la Truffiere
Rating :94
Release Price :NA
Drink Date :2024 - 2045
Reviewed by :William Kelley
Issue Date :10th Jan 2020
Source :January 2020 Week 2, The Wine Advocate
One wine that's indubitably built for the cellar is Niellon's emblematic 2018 Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Chaumees Clos de la Truffiere. Opening in the glass with scents of crisp orchard fruit, Meyer lemon, wheat toast and a subtle touch of reduction, it's medium to full-bodied, textural and incisive, with fine depth at the core, lively acids, and a long, precise finish.
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