ちょっと贅沢なCopy of Giovanni Paolo Maggini 1620Indian Boxwood Fittings|底値楽器屋
Master Copy Violin Giovanni Paolo Maggini 1620 Model
Master Copy Violin
Copy of " Giovanni Paolo Maggini 1620
厳選された スプルース
厳選された メープル
Giovanni Paolo Maggini (c. 1580 - c. 1630), was a string maker born in Botticino (Brescia), Italy. Maggini was a pupil of the most important violin maker of the Brescian school, Gasparo da Salo. The instruments made by Maggini at the end of his career were his finest. They are known for the quality of the woods and unusually large sound holes (which are well curved and carefully finished), as well as for their exceptionally mellow tone. Many are ornamented on the back with such decorations as the St. Andrew's Cross, a clover-leaf device, tableaux, medallions, crests, or other motifs. Varnishes varied from a clear brown in his early efforts to a more brilliant transparent golden or reddish-brown color of rich quality in later instruments. The typical late-model Maggini has a double row of purfling and low sides.
Master Copy Violin
Giovanni Paolo Maggini
1620 Model
Copy of " Giovanni Paolo Maggini 1620
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