ヴィノス: (90-93)点 予想される飲み頃:NA (the highest in alcohol among these 2015s but with a touch of chaptalization): Pale, green-tinged yellow. Citrus fruits, white flowers and a minty nuance on the nose, along with a suggestion of charred oak. Broad and concentrated in the mouth, showing a buttery element but also brisk acidity and a peppermint quality. Finishes aromatic but very dry. The yield here was about 45 hectoliters per hectare, vs. 35 for the Batard, owing to a younger average vine age, according to Pernot. (Vinous, Sep 2016)
Paul Pernot
Bienvenues Batard Montrachet
(the highest in alcohol among these 2015s but with a touch of chaptalization): Pale, green-tinged yellow. Citrus fruits, white flowers and a minty nuance on the nose, along with a suggestion of charred oak. Broad and concentrated in the mouth, showing a buttery element but also brisk acidity and a peppermint quality. Finishes aromatic but very dry. The yield here was about 45 hectoliters per hectare, vs. 35 for the Batard, owing to a younger average vine age, according to Pernot.
(Vinous, Sep 2016)
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