This is a persimmon-patterned tea utensil box made from Murakami Kibori Tsuishu. A chabitsu is a circular container that holds a set of sencha utensils. In the Showa era, it was in every household in Japan. With the westernization of life and the spread of tea in PET bottles, tea has disappeared from the home. Even now, it is installed in many inns.
Many layers of lacquer are applied, and glossy and delicate carvings are applied. It is an elegant and three-dimensional work. As such, it is no longer a commodity, but a work of art. It can be used not only for tea utensils, but also as various storage boxes.
Murakami Kibori Tsuishu is a traditional craft made in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture. Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture has been a natural lacquer mountain since the Heian period. The lacquer technique was introduced by lacquer workers who came from Kyoto to repair the castle, and with the encouragement of the feudal lord, it was started by the samurai.
The kanji character for tsui in tsuishu means to paint over and over again. It is a lacquerware that incorporates a unique technique in which delicate carvings are applied to the wood base and lacquer is applied many times to finish it. By engraving finely on the wooden base, the design becomes more attractive. According to its characteristics, it is finished in a work with a three-dimensional effect.
In addition, by polishing the lacquer that has been applied in multiple layers, various shades of shades are created, further enhancing the sculpture. It features a calm texture, and the more you use it, the more lustrous it becomes and the more tasteful it becomes.
There are 6 different techniques for Murakami Kibori Tsuishu. Tsuishu, Tsuikoku, Shutame-nuri, Irourushi-nuri, Kinmanuri, and Sansai-bori.
原産国 /Country of origin
時 代/Period
昭和 1926年~1988年
径 30.0×高さ 10.0cm diameter11.8×height 3.9in
素材 材質 /material
天然木・漆 natural wood・japanese lacquer
状 態/Quality condition
中古 -良い- 少し擦り傷があります。 used - good condition - There is a little scratch mark.
This is a persimmon-patterned tea utensil box made from Murakami Kibori Tsuishu.
A chabitsu is a circular container that holds a set of sencha utensils.
In the Showa era, it was in every household in Japan.
With the westernization of life and the spread of tea in PET bottles, tea has disappeared from the home.
Even now, it is installed in many inns.
Many layers of lacquer are applied, and glossy and delicate carvings are applied. It is an elegant and three-dimensional work.
As such, it is no longer a commodity, but a work of art.
It can be used not only for tea utensils, but also as various storage boxes.
Murakami Kibori Tsuishu is a traditional craft made in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture.
Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture has been a natural lacquer mountain since the Heian period.
The lacquer technique was introduced by lacquer workers who came from Kyoto to repair the castle, and with the encouragement of the feudal lord, it was started by the samurai.
The kanji character for tsui in tsuishu means to paint over and over again. It is a lacquerware that incorporates a unique technique in which delicate carvings are applied to the wood base and lacquer is applied many times to finish it.
By engraving finely on the wooden base, the design becomes more attractive. According to its characteristics, it is finished in a work with a three-dimensional effect.
In addition, by polishing the lacquer that has been applied in multiple layers, various shades of shades are created, further enhancing the sculpture. It features a calm texture, and the more you use it, the more lustrous it becomes and the more tasteful it becomes.
There are 6 different techniques for Murakami Kibori Tsuishu.
Tsuishu, Tsuikoku, Shutame-nuri, Irourushi-nuri, Kinmanuri, and Sansai-bori.
diameter11.8×height 3.9in
natural wood・japanese lacquer
used - good condition -
There is a little scratch mark.
薄いスレ ヒッツキ
わずかな模様のかすれ 漆ハネ
傷の見えるもの 使用感
スレ 漆剥げ(1mm程度のもの) 光沢の薄れ 模様のかすれ
修理が必要なもの 漆のヒビ
漆剥げ(1mm以上のもの) 大幅にがたつきのあるもの
匠刀房 ZS-145/L 前田慶次 [ 模造刀 ] 居合刀 日本刀 模造刀 コスプレ 忍者 侍 武士 NINJA katana samurai 模擬刀 美術刀 名刀 演劇 舞台 演者 こどもの日 日本製 国産 高級 インテリア メーカー直送|XPRICE店
【雛人形用道具セット】35号爪唐草柄道具セット【木製9点セット】雛道具 道具 おひなさま付属品 おひなさまのお道具 七段飾り用|人形処まるぎん
模造刀 刀剣 八丁堀 同心拵 (Type Nakamura) 小刀(脇差) 横掛台・刀袋付[tks-263s]日本刀 美術刀剣 おもちゃ 通販(代引き不可)|さくらソレイユ 店
模造刀 戦国シリーズ 織田 信長 掛け台・刀袋付 大刀 竜刀身[neu012]日本刀 美術刀剣 おもちゃ 通販(代引き不可)|人形のゆめさき
【8%OFFクーポン 本日23:59まで】陶額 青粒 ( 置物 額飾り 陶板 陶板画 法人 九谷焼 周年 創立 上場 竣工 開店 事務所移転 開業 プレゼント お祝い お返し お礼 令和 海外 日本 取引先 法人 日本製 おすすめ おしゃれ かわいい 可愛い 人気 )|伝統本舗
花器・花瓶■ 花器 竜耳牡丹獅子地紋(小) 徳色 ■坂田七太郎作 青銅(ブロンズ)製 桐箱入り【高岡銅器】|仏具徳
模造刀 槍 直槍 アルミ刀身[zs-901/6]日本刀 美術刀剣 おもちゃ 通販(代引き不可)|人形のゆめさき
【茶道具】塗師 岡本陽斎造 真台子(共箱)【送料無料】[中古 茶道 茶道具 おしゃれ 茶器 抹茶 茶会 点前 骨董 お茶 茶室 インテリア ラック 収納 茶の湯]|お茶道具・着物のネットショップ圭
茶道具 蓋置染付 松竹梅絵五代 三浦竹泉作|佐藤大観堂
【72時間タイムセール40%オフ】【アンティーク】郷土玩具 新山久城造 こけし(89.8cm)【送料無料】[中古 伝統 伝統工芸 こけし人形 人形 かわいい インテリア おしゃれ レトロ 郷土 玩具 骨董 雑貨]|お茶道具・着物のネットショップ圭
【中古】【輸入品・未使用】Ebros Brigid アッシュウッド カラフル 自然 スピリット 神 ケルトの景色 壁掛け飾り額 高さ12インチ 魔術 生命の木 森の木 装飾彫刻 神話的ファ|スカイマーケットプラス