全国送料無料。商品情報詳細は下部に記載がございます。海外サプライヤーからお取り寄せを行いますため、お届けまで10日から3週間程度お時間を頂いております。また、通関審査での開封による外箱の損傷が稀にございますが、商品自体の品質は問題ございませんのでご安心ください。(商品が電波法上の技術基準に適合する必要がある無線機器の場合:商品は並行輸入品のため電波法上の技術基準に適合いたしません。日本国内で使用すると電波法に違反するおそれがありますのでご購入には十分ご注意ください) 商品説明 DescriptionDitch the gas. Keep the power.Take lawn care to the next level with a cordless string trimmer built for performance, efficiency, ease of use?and much more. The SKIL PWR CORE 40? Brushless 40V 16 In. Power Head String Trimmer Kit combines a digital brushless motor and PWR CORE 40? lithium battery technology to deliver the power to cut through thick grasses and weeds with ease. The up to 16-inch cutting swath on this electric string trimmer ensures you can trim quickly and efficiently, and its two-speed selector allows you to choose between maximizing power or runtime. Simply tap the dual-line bump feed head on the ground to release more line and continue working. Reloading line is easy with its Twist Load? head?just insert the line and twist to load. This cordless trimmer is powered by a 40V power head that is attachment-ready and designed for use with a variety of SKIL attachments, allowing you to level up your lawn care game. This string trimmer kit includes the PWR CORE 40? Power Head, string trimmer attachment, PWR CORE 40? 4.0Ah battery, and Auto PWR JUMP? charger. PLT1500C-10
DescriptionDitch the gas. Keep the power.Take lawn care to the next level with a cordless string trimmer built for performance, efficiency, ease of use?and much more. The SKIL PWR CORE 40? Brushless 40V 16 In. Power Head String Trimmer Kit combines a digital brushless motor and PWR CORE 40? lithium battery technology to deliver the power to cut through thick grasses and weeds with ease. The up to 16-inch cutting swath on this electric string trimmer ensures you can trim quickly and efficiently, and its two-speed selector allows you to choose between maximizing power or runtime. Simply tap the dual-line bump feed head on the ground to release more line and continue working. Reloading line is easy with its Twist Load? head?just insert the line and twist to load. This cordless trimmer is powered by a 40V power head that is attachment-ready and designed for use with a variety of SKIL attachments, allowing you to level up your lawn care game. This string trimmer kit includes the PWR CORE 40? Power Head, string trimmer attachment, PWR CORE 40? 4.0Ah battery, and Auto PWR JUMP? charger.
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