This is a stunning Chateau Margaux, made in a sexy, up-front, elegant style, with deep creme de cassis fruit intermixed with spring flowers, a solid inner core of richness and depth, but again, very sweet tannins as well as striking minerality and elegance. One of the most seductive Chateau Margauxs given its recent bottling, this blend of 87% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot, and the rest tiny quantities of Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot should drink beautifully for the next 25-30 years. Remarkably, a mere 36% of the entire production was selected for the 2008 Chateau Margaux. (194, The Wine Advocate 2nd May 2011)
▶ パヴィヨン・ルージュ・デュ・シャトー・マルゴー
▶ パヴィヨン・ブラン・デュ・シャトー・マルゴー
▶ シャトー・ラトゥール
▶ シャトー・ムートン・ロートシルト
▶ シャトー・オー・ブリオン
Chateau Margaux
Chateau Margaux
予想される飲み頃:2011 - 2041
This is a stunning Chateau Margaux, made in a sexy, up-front, elegant style, with deep creme de cassis fruit intermixed with spring flowers, a solid inner core of richness and depth, but again, very sweet tannins as well as striking minerality and elegance. One of the most seductive Chateau Margauxs given its recent bottling, this blend of 87% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot, and the rest tiny quantities of Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot should drink beautifully for the next 25-30 years. Remarkably, a mere 36% of the entire production was selected for the 2008 Chateau Margaux.
(194, The Wine Advocate 2nd May 2011)
ボンド プルリバス [2003]750ml|ウメムラ Wine Cellar
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