パーカーポイント: 95点 予想される飲み頃:2028 - 2068 The 2014 Lynch-Bages is full of promise, offering up a classic bouquet of rich but vibrant blackcurrant fruit mingled with with hints of loamy soil, cedar and vanilla pod. Full-bodied, deep and layered, with an abundance of ripe but youthfully assertive tannin, lively acids and a long, resonant finish, it will hit its stride in 10 to 15 years. This is an excellent Lynch-Bages that represents especially good value in the contemporary marketplace. (Issue 259 End of February 2022, The Wine Advocate, 1st Mar 2022)
Chateau Lynch Bages
予想される飲み頃:2028 - 2068
The 2014 Lynch-Bages is full of promise, offering up a classic bouquet of rich but vibrant blackcurrant fruit mingled with with hints of loamy soil, cedar and vanilla pod. Full-bodied, deep and layered, with an abundance of ripe but youthfully assertive tannin, lively acids and a long, resonant finish, it will hit its stride in 10 to 15 years. This is an excellent Lynch-Bages that represents especially good value in the contemporary marketplace.
(Issue 259 End of February 2022, The Wine Advocate, 1st Mar 2022)
シャトー ランシュ バージュ
Chateau Lynch Bages
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