100%新品Bernette B70 Embroidery Machine with $1,199 Worth of Designing Tool Perfect for Clothing :B0CDQ34V9Z:MKshopping.com
全国送料無料。海外倉庫から国内に取り寄せますので、お届けまで2-3週間程度お時間頂いております。また、税関審査により、開封による外箱の損傷の可能性が稀にございますが、商品自体の品質は問題ございませんのでご安心ください。国内到着後に一度検品して発送させて頂きます。商品についてご不明な点がございましたら、「この商品について問い合わせ」ボタンからお気軽にお問い合わせください。(商品が電波法上の技術基準に適合する必要がある無線機器の場合:商品は並行輸入品でございますので、電波法上の技術基準に適合いたしません。日本国内で使用すると電波法に違反するおそれがありますのでご購入、ご使用には十分ご注意ください) 商品説明 ・Embroidery Machine - This Bernette product features a top-of-the-line embroidery machine, perfect for both clothing and hats. It's designed to handle a wide range of fabrics and intricate designs with ease. ・Computerized Embroidery - This embroidery machine is computerized, providing you with precision and control over your designs. It's perfect for creating detailed and complex patterns. ・Embroidery Kit - The product comes with a comprehensive embroidery designing tool worth $1,199. It includes Creator V9 Embroidery Software that you need to start your embroidery journey. ・Versatile Use - Whether you're looking to embroider clothing or hats, this machine has you covered. It's versatile and flexible, making it suitable for a variety of embroidery projects. BERNINA Toolbox embroidery software Lettering and Editing included. ・Quality Embroidery - With Bernette's embroidery machine, you can expect high-quality, professional results every time. It's built to deliver consistent, excellent embroidery, making every project a masterpiece. It has 208 preinstalled embroidery motifs that is compatible with multiple design formats 説明: The b70 DECO is a real specialist. As a pure embroidery machine, it offers everything for decorating or personalizing clothing or accessories. With over 200 embroidery designs installed the right motif is at your fingertips ? and you can directly edit it on the touch screen. Want something truly yours? Upload and save your own embroidery motifs via USB flash drive. Raise your creativity to the next level with the embroidery software modules Lettering and Editing of BERNINA Toolbox. 5-inch color touch screen to conveniently edit embroidery motifs Easy and quick operation via multi-function knobs Embroidery module with 3 hoops and embroidery hoop detection Maximum embroidery area of 260 x 160 mm for large designs 208 preinstalled embroidery motifs Compatible with multiple design formats Convenient upper and lower thread sensors BERNINA Toolbox embroidery software Lettering and Editing included カテゴリー: ミシン メーカー: ブランド: Bernette 高さ: 31.8 センチ 幅: 48.3 センチ 奥行: 19.1 センチ 重量: 0.0 Kg 全国送料無料。海外倉庫から国内に取り寄せますので、お届けまで2-3週間程度お時間頂いております。また、税関審査により、開封による外箱の損傷の可能性が稀にございますが、商品自体の品質は問題ございませんのでご安心ください。国内到着後に一度検品して発送させて頂きます。商品についてご不明な点がございましたら、「この商品について問い合わせ」ボタンからお気軽にお問い合わせください。(商品が電波法上の技術基準に適合する必要がある無線機器の場合:商品は並行輸入品でございますので、電波法上の技術基準に適合いたしません。日本国内で使用すると電波法に違反するおそれがありますのでご購入、ご使用には十分ご注意ください)
Bernette B70 Embroidery Machine with $1,199 Worth of Designing Tool Perfect for Clothing :B0CDQ34V9Z:MKshopping.com
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・Embroidery Machine - This Bernette product features a top-of-the-line embroidery machine, perfect for both clothing and hats. It's designed to handle a wide range of fabrics and intricate designs with ease.
・Computerized Embroidery - This embroidery machine is computerized, providing you with precision and control over your designs. It's perfect for creating detailed and complex patterns.
・Embroidery Kit - The product comes with a comprehensive embroidery designing tool worth $1,199. It includes Creator V9 Embroidery Software that you need to start your embroidery journey.
・Versatile Use - Whether you're looking to embroider clothing or hats, this machine has you covered. It's versatile and flexible, making it suitable for a variety of embroidery projects. BERNINA Toolbox embroidery software Lettering and Editing included.
・Quality Embroidery - With Bernette's embroidery machine, you can expect high-quality, professional results every time. It's built to deliver consistent, excellent embroidery, making every project a masterpiece. It has 208 preinstalled embroidery motifs that is compatible with multiple design formats
説明: The b70 DECO is a real specialist. As a pure embroidery machine, it offers everything for decorating or personalizing clothing or accessories. With over 200 embroidery designs installed the right motif is at your fingertips ? and you can directly edit it on the touch screen. Want something truly yours? Upload and save your own embroidery motifs via USB flash drive. Raise your creativity to the next level with the embroidery software modules Lettering and Editing of BERNINA Toolbox. 5-inch color touch screen to conveniently edit embroidery motifs Easy and quick operation via multi-function knobs Embroidery module with 3 hoops and embroidery hoop detection Maximum embroidery area of 260 x 160 mm for large designs 208 preinstalled embroidery motifs Compatible with multiple design formats Convenient upper and lower thread sensors BERNINA Toolbox embroidery software Lettering and Editing included
カテゴリー: ミシン
ブランド: Bernette
高さ: 31.8 センチ
幅: 48.3 センチ
奥行: 19.1 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg
Bernette B70 Embroidery Machine with $1,199 Worth of Designing Tool Perfect for Clothing :B0CDQ34V9Z:MKshopping.com
Juki MO 1000 Serger, Push Button Jet Air Looper Threader by JUKI :B00G2RX1BA:MKshopping.com
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