【低価格の】Koss コス SB49 Communication Stereophone :84117003:ワールドインポートショップ
【商品名】Koss コス SB49 Communication Stereophone【カテゴリー】家電・カメラ:イヤホン・ヘッドホン 商品説明 【商品名】 Koss コス SB49 Communication Stereophone 【カテゴリー】家電・カメラ:イヤホン・ヘッドホン 【商品詳細】 ・Full-sized headset with electret microphone for hands-free communication from your personal computer ・Ideal for PC voice applications, interactive gaming and speech recognition ・Closed leatherette ear cushions for maximum isolation and deep bass ・Volume control for easy level adjustment ・Collapsible design for protective storage and maximum portability 体積:3.9 x 7.1 x 10.2 inches ; 1 pounds 重量:2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
【商品名】Koss コス SB49 Communication Stereophone【カテゴリー】家電・カメラ:イヤホン・ヘッドホン
Koss コス SB49 Communication Stereophone
・Full-sized headset with electret microphone for hands-free communication from your personal computer
・Ideal for PC voice applications, interactive gaming and speech recognition
・Closed leatherette ear cushions for maximum isolation and deep bass
・Volume control for easy level adjustment
・Collapsible design for protective storage and maximum portability 体積:3.9 x 7.1 x 10.2 inches ; 1 pounds
重量:2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
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