【2024年最新モデル】Gaja Barbaresco 1966 / ガヤ バルバレスコ 1966|Fine and Rare
Gaja Barbaresco 1966 / ガヤ バルバレスコ 1966
Gaja is an Italian wine producer from the Piemonte region in the district of Langhe, chiefly producing a number of Barbaresco and Barolo wines, and later diversified into Brunello and "Super-Tuscan" production. Its current owner and president Angelo Gaja is credited with developing techniques that have revolutionised winemaking in Italy and terms such as "the undisputed king of Barbaresco" and "the man who dragged Piedmont into the modern world" have been applied to him, and whose Barbaresco wine is considered a status symbol on a par with Ch・・teau Lafite-Rothschild or Krug. 75cl
Gaja Barbaresco 1966 / ガヤ バルバレスコ 1966
Gaja is an Italian wine producer from the Piemonte region in the district of Langhe, chiefly producing a number of Barbaresco and Barolo wines, and later diversified into Brunello and "Super-Tuscan" production.
Its current owner and president Angelo Gaja is credited with developing techniques that have revolutionised winemaking in Italy and terms such as "the undisputed king of Barbaresco" and "the man who dragged Piedmont into the modern world" have been applied to him, and whose Barbaresco wine is considered a status symbol on a par with Ch・・teau Lafite-Rothschild or Krug.
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ルモワスネ シャルム シャンベルタングラン クリュ 2014 750ml赤ワイン フランス ブルゴーニュ フルボディ|SAKE People