There were few books or films that influenced the young Thomas Kinkade more than A.A. Milne's classic Winnie the Pooh. It is in honor of that time in his life that the Thomas Kinkade Studios proudly introduce this charming scene from this magical story of love, faith, friendship, and adventure. Magic in the details Few books capture the innocence and wisdom of the child and the child's perspective on life than the A. A. Milne classic Winnie the Pooh. In 1966 when Disney Studios began releasing their featurettes chronicling these wondrous tales, Thomas Kinkade?could not have been more excited. His childhood fancies were coming to life.? ''Winnie the Pooh I'' by Thomas Kinkade Studios Certificate of Authenticity Characters include Kanga, Roo, Rabbit, Eeyore, Pooh, Christopher Robin, Owl, Tigger, and Piglet Premium canvas substrate Hardwood stretcher bar Ready for hanging Gallery Wrapped Canvases Featuring Thomas Kinkade Studios' best-loved images, these Gallery Wraps are perfect for any space. Each wrap is crafted with our premium canvas reproduction techniques and hand wrapped around a deep, hardwood stretcher bar. Hung as an ensemble or by itself, this frame-less presentation gives you a versatile way to display art in your home. ? ●仕様 Canvas / wood 36cm(高さ) x 36cm(幅) Made in U.S.A.
There were few books or films that influenced the young Thomas Kinkade more than A.A. Milne's classic Winnie the Pooh. It is in honor of that time in his life that the Thomas Kinkade Studios proudly introduce this charming scene from this magical story of love, faith, friendship, and adventure.
Magic in the details
Few books capture the innocence and wisdom of the child and the child's perspective on life than the A. A. Milne classic Winnie the Pooh. In 1966 when Disney Studios began releasing their featurettes chronicling these wondrous tales, Thomas Kinkade?could not have been more excited. His childhood fancies were coming to life.?
''Winnie the Pooh I'' by Thomas Kinkade Studios
Certificate of Authenticity
Characters include Kanga, Roo, Rabbit, Eeyore, Pooh, Christopher Robin, Owl, Tigger, and Piglet
Premium canvas substrate
Hardwood stretcher bar
Ready for hanging
Gallery Wrapped Canvases
Featuring Thomas Kinkade Studios' best-loved images, these Gallery Wraps are perfect for any space. Each wrap is crafted with our premium canvas reproduction techniques and hand wrapped around a deep, hardwood stretcher bar. Hung as an ensemble or by itself, this frame-less presentation gives you a versatile way to display art in your home.
Canvas / wood
36cm(高さ) x 36cm(幅)
Made in U.S.A.
・お届け時期: 2-4週間後
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