Treana Blanc is a stunning full bodied new world Rhone blend with aromas of orange blossom honey, peach nectar and a hint of tropical passion fruit. All of those aromas continue on the palette and evolve into rich roasted pineapple, dried apricot with notes of honeysuckle. The finish is long and weighted with a creamy texture that is brightened with a touch of acid. This wine is crafted to be enjoyed with food and is very versatile.
Vineyard Notes: 2019 was a challenging growing season. Above average rainfall persisted throughout the spring with the last rainfall occurring May 31st. These conditions kept the spring free of frost threats but relatively cool, leading to slow vine growth. The cooler weather also delayed fruit development. The summer months were somewhat erratic with short heat waves followed by cooler periods. These conditions helped the vines and clusters to somewhat catch up. Ultimately, the cooler weather persisted with only a few autumn heat spikes, leading to slower berry maturity and a later harvest that lasted through early October. Yields were slightly below predicted but ideal flavor concentration was high.
Winemaker Notes: The grapes for the 2019 Treana Blanc were whole-cluster pressed and the juice was chilled to 35・・F to allow the solids to settle. Once settled, the juice was transferred to French oak barrels for fermentation, of which 50% were twice used, 25% were once used, and 25% were neutral. The wine aged on its lees for nearly sixteen months before being blended in February of 2021. The blend aged together for another two and a half months in 65% new French Oak until bottling in late April of 2021.
トレアナブランは素晴らしいフルボデイのニューワールドのローヌブレンドです。2018年は穏やかな天候に恵まれ、凝縮した味わいと酸味のバランスの良い葡萄が収穫できました。フレンチオーク樽で発酵を行います。フレンチオーク樽で16カ月間熟成後、ブレンドして更に3カ月熟成。まオレンジの花の蜂蜜やピーチネクター、ほのかなパッションフルーツの風味を感じます。その後、焼パイナップルやドライアプリコットの味わいとスイカズラやエルダーフラワーの香りへと変化していきます。クリーミーなテクスチャーが酸味と合わさること軽やかにななり、余韻が長く続きます。スパイシーなカレー、ローストしたサーモン、ゆでたロブスターによく合います。※参考2014vin→Wine Enthusiast 91点、Wine Advocate 90点
マルサンヌ 45% ヴィオニエ45% ルーサンヌ10%
※本商品は協力インポーターより仕入れのワインのため1~2営業日余分に発送までお時間いただく場合がありますTreana Blanc is a stunning full bodied new world Rhone blend with aromas of orange blossom honey, peach nectar and a hint of tropical passion fruit. All of those aromas continue on the palette and evolve into rich roasted pineapple, dried apricot with notes of honeysuckle. The finish is long and weighted with a creamy texture that is brightened with a touch of acid. This wine is crafted to be enjoyed with food and is very versatile.
Vineyard Notes: 2019 was a challenging growing season. Above average rainfall persisted throughout the spring with the last rainfall occurring May 31st. These conditions kept the spring free of frost threats but relatively cool, leading to slow vine growth. The cooler weather also delayed fruit development. The summer months were somewhat erratic with short heat waves followed by cooler periods. These conditions helped the vines and clusters to somewhat catch up. Ultimately, the cooler weather persisted with only a few autumn heat spikes, leading to slower berry maturity and a later harvest that lasted through early October. Yields were slightly below predicted but ideal flavor concentration was high.
Winemaker Notes: The grapes for the 2019 Treana Blanc were whole-cluster pressed and the juice was chilled to 35・・F to allow the solids to settle. Once settled, the juice was transferred to French oak barrels for fermentation, of which 50% were twice used, 25% were once used, and 25% were neutral. The wine aged on its lees for nearly sixteen months before being blended in February of 2021. The blend aged together for another two and a half months in 65% new French Oak until bottling in late April of 2021.
ドメーヌ・ディルレ・カデ リースリング グラン・クリュ ケスレール [2011]750ml|ウメムラ Wine Cellar
【正規品・取り寄せ品】【送料無料】オルヴィエート クラッシコ アマービレ 6本セット ビジ/イタリアワイン/ウンブリア/白ワイン/やや甘口/750ml×6【フードライナー】【705】|ヒグチワイン Higuchi Wine
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【ポイント5倍】盛田甲州ワイナリー シャンモリ甲州遅摘み完熟甘口白 白ワイン 山梨県720 ml×6本 ワイン|イズミックワールド
[2019] ピュリニー モンラッシェ ル トレザン ブラン 750ml ジョセフ コラン(ブルゴーニュ フランス)白ワイン コク辛口 ワイン ^B0FCTZ19^|ヴェリタス~輸入直販ワイン専門店
[1997]生まれ年の白ワイン(辛口)とワイングッズのカゴ盛り 詰め合わせギフトセット フランス・ブルゴーニュ産ワイン[1997年]【送料無料】【メッセージカード付】【グラス付ワイン】【ラッピング付】【セット】【お祝い】【プレゼント】【ギフト】|ヒグチワイン Higuchi Wine
ルー・デュモン レア・セレクション ムルソー 1er レ・ポリュゾ [1999]750ml (白ワイン)|ウメムラ Wine Cellar
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フロイデ ツェラー・シュヴァルツェ・カッツ Q.b.A./クロスター醸造所 750ml×6本(白ワイン)|ワイン本舗 ヴァン・ヴィーノ
コノスルヴァラエタルシリーズ飲みくらべセット750ml×10本 ワイン(西)スマイル オリジナル【送料無料※一部地域は除く】|イズミックワールド