国産青汁 国内産青汁 国産あお汁 国内産あお汁桑野は クワの葉 【■ENGLISH(*^▽^*) 】 Refreshing taste. The source of delicious nutrients! --------- Mulberry is reach in minerals, such as iron, potassium, and includes many vitamins. Also, it is abudant in dietary fibers. The content of dietary fibers is about 6.5 times bigger than that in boiled burdock! Easy to drink. It is great to drink during meals.
Good in a hot or a cold form as well! Mulberry tea is not includes caffeine, so it is safety to drink by pregnant women and small children. It is also good before sleeping. Moreover, the tea is 100% domestically produced in Japan (Shimane Pref.) Enjoy the wonderful flavor of tea, when you eat or relaxing.
Five reasons to drink mulberry tea for people who whant to do diet and for people who worry about the health: The raw material for tea has organically grown. Also, the tea made at the JAS organically approved plant We grow mulberry leaves in our organic fields without using any pesticides or chemical fertilizers and make the tea without any additives. We use only mulberry leaves from Shimane, Japan You can enjoy the natural taste of natural mulberry leaves tea. The DNJ, useful ingredient of mulberry leaves blocks the absorption of sugar! This ingredient helps to control blood sugar level after eating. The Q3MG - the active component of mulberry leaves - was discovered in large quantity in the leaves from Shimane, Japan. This component helps to protect the body from bad cholesterol. Large amount of healthy nutrients. The tea contains large amount of dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals.
「 有機登録 」を受けました
商品一覧です← Hot★Items♪
◆名称 有機桑抹茶
◆内容量 100g×6袋
◆商品説明 土作りから有機にこだわり丁寧に丁寧に作った桑の葉を、調味料としてご利用いただけるように仕上げました。
★当店オリジナルのお得なポイント→「お!茶ポイント」 0点
◆健康応援キャンペーン 当店で13,000円(税別)以上ご注文いただいた方にもれなくプレゼント♪
◆原材料 有機桑の葉(国産)
◆アレルゲン表示 なし
◆保存方法 開封後はチャック袋の封をしっかり締めて保管してください。
◆最終製造国 日本
◆製造者 桜江町桑葉生産組合(島根県桜江町)
◆販売者 大一商事株式会社
〒010-0041 秋田市広面字樋の下12-2
TEL 018-835-8051(平日9時~18時:土曜日10時~17時)
FAX 018-832-8388(24時間)
【■お探しキーワード(*^▽^*) 】
国産青汁 国内産青汁 国産あお汁 国内産あお汁桑野は クワの葉
【■ENGLISH(*^▽^*) 】
Refreshing taste.
The source of delicious nutrients!
Mulberry is reach in minerals, such as iron, potassium, and includes many vitamins.
Also, it is abudant in dietary fibers.
The content of dietary fibers is about 6.5 times bigger than that in boiled burdock!
Easy to drink. It is great to drink during meals.
Good in a hot or a cold form as well!
Mulberry tea is not includes caffeine, so it is safety to drink by pregnant women and small children. It is also good before sleeping.
Moreover, the tea is 100% domestically produced in Japan (Shimane Pref.)
Enjoy the wonderful flavor of tea, when you eat or relaxing.
Five reasons to drink mulberry tea for people who whant to do
diet and for people who worry about the health:
The raw material for tea has organically grown. Also, the tea made at the JAS organically approved plant
We grow mulberry leaves in our organic fields without using any pesticides or chemical fertilizers and make the tea without any additives.
We use only mulberry leaves from Shimane, Japan
You can enjoy the natural taste of natural mulberry leaves tea.
The DNJ, useful ingredient of mulberry leaves blocks the absorption of sugar!
This ingredient helps to control blood sugar level after eating.
The Q3MG - the active component of mulberry leaves - was discovered in large quantity in the leaves from Shimane, Japan.
This component helps to protect the body from bad cholesterol.
Large amount of healthy nutrients.
The tea contains large amount of dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals.
青汁一番生搾り 90包×3個セット - コーワリミテッド [酵素]|ヘルシーグッド 店
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【期間限定 ポイント10倍】青汁 キューサイ ケール ツージー 冷凍 90g×7パック入 12セット|キューサイ健康食品販売株式会社
京都産有機桑使用【即納可】特選 桑の葉 顆粒末(60包)2箱|サウス&ビューティー
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キューサイ 青汁 ケール カテキン 粉末 420g|キューサイ健康食品販売株式会社