ean-Marie Fourrier is the 5th generation of the family to run a domaine that was called ‘Domaine Fernand Pernot’ in the 1950s, Fernand Pernot was the great uncle of Jean-Claude Fourrier who joined the domaine in 1961, the pair worked together for 20 years. The domaine was renamed Domaine Jean-Claude Fourrier until 1992 when Jean-Claude’s son and daughter, Jean-Marie and Isabelle joined him, the domaine was simply re-christened Domaine Fourrier. Varieties : Pinot Noir Wine Score : 92/100 75cl
Domain Fourrier Clos Saint-Jacques 2019 / ドメーヌ フーリエ クロ サン ジャック 2019
ean-Marie Fourrier is the 5th generation of the family to run a domaine that was called ‘Domaine Fernand Pernot’ in the 1950s, Fernand Pernot was the great uncle of Jean-Claude Fourrier who joined the domaine in 1961, the pair worked together for 20 years.
The domaine was renamed Domaine Jean-Claude Fourrier until 1992 when Jean-Claude’s son and daughter, Jean-Marie and Isabelle joined him, the domaine was simply re-christened Domaine Fourrier.
Varieties : Pinot Noir
Wine Score : 92/100
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