Meursault appears in 1094 in a charter of the abbey of Cluny, as Murassalt, the defeat of Vercingetorix and the lasting settlement of the Romans in Gaul established a long period of peace. The name of Meursault that can be translated as "forest wall" would come from a configuration of a Gallo-Roman habitat scattered in the plain and installed in favor of natural clearings. Meursault is wonderful, offering aromas of crunchy citrus oil and Anjou pear mixed with notes of beeswax and fresh butter. Half-bodied to full-bodied, satin but incisive, it is elegantly textured, with tremendous depth and tension at the heart, underpinned by a thorn of racy acidity that crosses the penetrating finish Varieties : Chardonnay Wine Score : 92/100 75cl
Domaine Roulot Meursault Les Meix Chavaux 2018 / ドメーヌ ルーロ ムルソー レ メ シャヴォー 2018
Meursault appears in 1094 in a charter of the abbey of Cluny, as Murassalt, the defeat of Vercingetorix and the lasting settlement of the Romans in Gaul established a long period of peace.
The name of Meursault that can be translated as "forest wall" would come from a configuration of a Gallo-Roman habitat scattered in the plain and installed in favor of natural clearings.
Meursault is wonderful, offering aromas of crunchy citrus oil and Anjou pear mixed with notes of beeswax and fresh butter. Half-bodied to full-bodied, satin but incisive, it is elegantly textured, with tremendous depth and tension at the heart, underpinned by a thorn of racy acidity that crosses the penetrating finish
Varieties : Chardonnay
Wine Score : 92/100
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