◆言語: 英語 ◆字幕: 英語 ◆収録時間: 112分 ※商品画像はイメージです。デザインの変更・確定前やイメージ画像となっている場合があります。 ※注文後30分間は注文履歴からキャンセルが可能です。当店で注文を確認した後は原則キャンセル不可となります。予めご了承ください。 Double Blu-ray disc set. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a huge production: The sets depicting 15th-century Paris covered nineteen acres of Universal Pictures' back lot and included the facade of Notre Dame Cathedral. Filming took six months and the climactic sequence employed two thousand extras, but it's Lon Chaney's performance that makes the character unforgettable. The Hunchback of Notre Dame premiered at New York's Astor Theatre on September 2, 1923. The success of the film was immediate; it made Carl Laemmle and Universal Pictures a fortune, and turned Lon Chaney into a screen legend. This edition is mastered from a multi-tinted 16mm print struck in 1926 from the original camera negative. (The film apparently does not survive in 35mm). Visible wear in the source material is diminished with a moderate amount of digital restoration. It is pictorially much better than earlier video editions and seems to represent the best condition in which this landmark film survives today. A new symphonic score arranged by Donald Hunsberger was recorded in the Czech Republic by full orchestra conducted by Robert Israel.
MARE(マーレ) ゲルマニウム4個付ブレスレット PT/IP ミラー 113G L (20.5cm) H1126-05L【その他】|あっとらいふ
【送料無料】ジュエリー・アクセサリー ブラッチャーレノミネートドナシルバーアッチャイオbracciale nomination 043011 006 donna silver acciaio 316l|hokushin
【送料無料】ジュエリー・アクセサリー メッキラッシュブレスレットベイアベンチュリンマウントbracelet jonc en plaque or monture feuilles de laurier et aventurine veritable|hokushin
The Hunchback of Notre Dame ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】◆タイトル: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて
- ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。

◆現地発売日: 2014/03/18
◆レーベル: Flicker Alley
◆言語: 英語
◆字幕: 英語
◆収録時間: 112分
Double Blu-ray disc set. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a huge production: The sets depicting 15th-century Paris covered nineteen acres of Universal Pictures' back lot and included the facade of Notre Dame Cathedral. Filming took six months and the climactic sequence employed two thousand extras, but it's Lon Chaney's performance that makes the character unforgettable. The Hunchback of Notre Dame premiered at New York's Astor Theatre on September 2, 1923. The success of the film was immediate; it made Carl Laemmle and Universal Pictures a fortune, and turned Lon Chaney into a screen legend. This edition is mastered from a multi-tinted 16mm print struck in 1926 from the original camera negative. (The film apparently does not survive in 35mm). Visible wear in the source material is diminished with a moderate amount of digital restoration. It is pictorially much better than earlier video editions and seems to represent the best condition in which this landmark film survives today. A new symphonic score arranged by Donald Hunsberger was recorded in the Czech Republic by full orchestra conducted by Robert Israel.
MARE(マーレ) ゲルマニウム4個付ブレスレット PT/IP ミラー 113G L (20.5cm) H1126-05L【その他】|あっとらいふ
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