The 2009 Vosne-Romanee 1er Cru is pure silkiness and refinement from the first taste. Rose petals, red berries, licorice and mint radiate on the palate in this gracious, totally impeccable Burgundy. This is a strong vintage for the Vosne 1er. Anticipated maturity: 2014-2024. (200, The Wine Advocate 26th Apr 2012)
Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Cuvee Duvault Blochet
予想される飲み頃:2014 - 2024
The 2009 Vosne-Romanee 1er Cru is pure silkiness and refinement from the first taste. Rose petals, red berries, licorice and mint radiate on the palate in this gracious, totally impeccable Burgundy. This is a strong vintage for the Vosne 1er. Anticipated maturity: 2014-2024.
(200, The Wine Advocate 26th Apr 2012)
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