Figured Bocote Thin Body Concert with A/E Ukulele ■Figured Bocote laminate top,back and sides ■Chrome open back tuners for accuracy and comfort ■Nubone XBR nut and saddle for sustain and tone ■Wide nut and neck profile for player comfort(37.4mm nut width) ■Chrome Strap Buttons for safety and comfort ■Figured Bocote is a striking wood highly decorated with dark grain stripes.The tone is well rounded with good projection. ■Cutaway with a ShadowR active pickup SH-3V ■Thickness is 42mm at the widest back bout then tapers to the front bout to 34mm ■Single-Ply Natural Maple fingerboard binding/black dots ■D’AddarioR EJ88 strings standard for tone and reliability ■8 hole no tie bridge for easy string changes ■Rosette Maple single band inlay ■Includes 10mm Lanikai padded gig bag ■Limited Lifetime Warranty ■Made in China
Fender Avalon Tenor Ukulele Black テナーウクレレ 〈フェンダー〉|楽器de元気
■Figured Bocote laminate top,back and sides
■Chrome open back tuners for accuracy and comfort
■Nubone XBR nut and saddle for sustain and tone
■Wide nut and neck profile for player comfort(37.4mm nut width)
■Chrome Strap Buttons for safety and comfort
■Figured Bocote is a striking wood highly decorated with dark grain stripes.The tone is well rounded with good projection.
■Cutaway with a ShadowR active pickup SH-3V
■Thickness is 42mm at the widest back bout then tapers to the front bout to 34mm
■Single-Ply Natural Maple fingerboard binding/black dots
■D’AddarioR EJ88 strings standard for tone and reliability
■8 hole no tie bridge for easy string changes
■Rosette Maple single band inlay
■Includes 10mm Lanikai padded gig bag
■Limited Lifetime Warranty
■Made in China
Fender Avalon Tenor Ukulele Black テナーウクレレ 〈フェンダー〉|楽器de元気
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