I adored the 2012 Ech?zeaux Grand Cru from barrel and I adore it from bottle. Picked on September 29-30 at 22 hectoliters per hectare, those explosive aromatics from barrel are replicated here with bright red cherries, kirsch and rose petals, all beautifully defined and imbued with a sense of exuberance. The palate is medium-bodied with supple ripe tannin, a dash of white pepper on the tip of the tongue and a beautifully poised, elegant finish. This is an Ech?zeaux determined to be above its station. Wonderful. 1,057 cases produced. (217, The Wine Advocate 28th Feb 2015)
予想される飲み頃:2017 - 2032
I adored the 2012 Ech?zeaux Grand Cru from barrel and I adore it from bottle. Picked on September 29-30 at 22 hectoliters per hectare, those explosive aromatics from barrel are replicated here with bright red cherries, kirsch and rose petals, all beautifully defined and imbued with a sense of exuberance. The palate is medium-bodied with supple ripe tannin, a dash of white pepper on the tip of the tongue and a beautifully poised, elegant finish. This is an Ech?zeaux determined to be above its station. Wonderful. 1,057 cases produced.
(217, The Wine Advocate 28th Feb 2015)
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ジャック フレデリック ミュニエ ニュイ サン ジョルジュ プルミエ クリュ クロ ド ラ マレシャル 2009 正規品 Jacques Frederic Mugnier Nuits Saint Georges Clos de la Marechale フランス ブルゴーニュ 赤ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
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